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文化資產保存學刊/2012/第十九期/頁61-74 【文物保存與修護】 家具的修護-以國立科學工藝博物館典藏掛鐘為例 Furniture Conservation: A Case Study of a Pendulum Clock at the National Science and Technology Museum 陳郁琳 / 吳慶泰* Chen, Yu-lin / Wu, Ching-tai* 摘要   國立科學工藝博物館典藏品「T0199909003鐘」於1999年入藏,為1930年代日本製機 械式擺鐘。掛鐘「滴答、滴答」聲響為台灣早期生活的重要記憶,但隨著電子鐘問世, 需要上發條的機械鐘漸漸被取代。本掛鐘因閒置已久,入館後考量文物除了外觀欣賞價 值,使之能夠運轉報時,更能體現文物工藝價值及歷史價值,因此決定提報修復。全案 於2010年7月開始修護工作,包含對文物進行檢視登錄、狀況檢視、執行修護等程序,並 提出日常維護辦法,於2010年8月完成掛鐘修護工作。 關鍵詞:掛鐘,修復,維護 Abstract The Japanese mechanical pendulum clock “T0199909003 clock” made in around 1930 was collected by the National Science and Technology Museum in 1999. The pendulum clock’s “tick tick” sound is an important memory from the earlier periods in Taiwan, but with the launch of electronic clocks, mechanical clocks were gradually replaced. The clock had been lain unused for a long time, but the Museum decided to make the pendulum clock function and thus also represent both craft art value and historical value. In July 2010, we came to the museum to observe and helped undertake the project, e.g. examination and documentation, conservation, etc. Recommendations for daily care and maintenance were also developed. The conservation and restoration of the pendulum clock was completed in August 2010. Since then the museum has been able to evaluate the success of the restoration process. Keywords: Pendulum Clock, Preservation, Conservation *為通訊作者 *tiger_wu@.tw 061 Journal of Cultural Property Conservation/2012/No.19/pp.61-74 1.前言 本精工) 國際銷售部佐藤麻美子小姐的協   19世紀前,臺灣的計時工具是缺乏統 助調查,本掛鐘出現在昭和2~12 年(西元 一單位且多工具並存的混亂狀態,但隨著 1927~1937年) 出版的產品型錄中,編號 1878年自強運動在臺灣的開展,劉銘傳推 No.194( 圖1) ,由此推算本掛鐘迄今有70年 動郵政、電報、火車系統等新政和各項貿


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