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You assign randomly 3 people to each method, making sure that they are similar in intelligence etc. 二因子變異數分析表 檢定A因子有無影響 有交叉影響的二因子變異數分析 檢定B因子有無影響 有交叉影響的二因子變異數分析 檢定AB因子是否有交叉影響 有交叉影響的二因子變異數分析 Factorial Design Example Human Resources wants to determine if training time is different based on motivation level and training method. Conduct the appropriate ANOVA tests. Use α = .05 for each test. Training Method Factor Levels Self– paced Classroom Computer 15 hr. 10 hr. 22 hr. Motivation High 11 hr. 12 hr. 17 hr. 27 hr. 15 hr. 31 hr. Low 29 hr. 17 hr. 49 hr. Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square F A (Row) 1 546.75 546.75 B (Column) 2 531.5 265.75 AB (Interaction) 2 123.5 61.76 Error 6 188.5 31.42 Total 11 SS(Total) Two-Way ANOVA Summary Table Same as other designs 17.40 8.46 1.97 Main Factor A F-Test Solution H0: Ha: ? = ?1 = ?2 = Critical Value(s): F 0 5.99 ? = .05 No difference between motivation levels Motivation levels differ .05 1 6 Main Factor A F-Test Solution Test Statistic: Decision: Conclusion: Reject at ? = .05 There is evidence motivation levels differ Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square F A (Row) 1 546.75 546.75 B (Column) 2 531.5 265.75 AB (Interaction) 2 123.5 61.76 Error 6 188.5 31.42 Total 11 SS(Total) Two-Way ANOVA Summary Table Same as other designs 17.40 8.46 1.97 Main Factor B F-Test Solution H0: Ha: ? = ?1 = ?2 = Critical Value(s): F 0 5.14 ? = .05 No difference between training methods Training methods differ .05 2 6 Main Factor B F-Test Solution Test Statistic: Decision: Conclusion: Reject at ? = .05 There is evidence training methods differ Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square F A (Row) 1 546.75 546.75 B (Column) 2 531.5 265.75 AB (Interaction) 2 123.5 61.76 Error 6 188.5 31.42 Total 11 SS(Total) Two-Way ANOVA Summary Table Same as other designs 17.40 8.46 1.97 Interaction F-Test Solution H0: Ha: ? =



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