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1.Because she was given advice by the famous detective, the young lady was no longer afraid. 2.Because it was done in a hurry, his homework was full of mistakes. 3.When it is heated, ice will be changed into water. 4.If I am compared with you, we still have a long way to go. 5.The hunter left his house, and he was followed by his dog. 1. Because she was given advice by the famous detective, the young lady was no longer afraid. 2. Because it was done in a hurry, his homework was full of mistakes. 4. If I am compared with you, we still have a long way to go. * 过去分词作表语一般用来表示感受或状态(系动词 + 过去分词) No wonder he is excited! (predictive) 可以用作表语的常见的过去分词有: delighted, disappointed, upset, astonished, excited, frightened, experienced, interested, qualified, puzzled, exhausted, satisfied 过去分词作定语: 1. 单个分词可以用作前置定语,此时,分词和名词之间有两种语意关系:一种是分词表示主动(但时间上已经过去);一种是分词表被动。 He is a retired worker. 他是一个退休工人。 This is a newly-developed device. 这是一个新开发的工具。 2. 过去分词短语作后置定语时,其功能相当于一个定语从句。 Past Participle as the Attributive Example: 1. So many thousands of terrified people died. 2. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. Practice 2: Rewrite the following sentences with the past participle as attributive. Let’s try the bookstore that was opened last month. Let’s try the bookstore opened last month. Nine out of ten women interviewed about the product said they liked it. Yesterday, the President went to visit the retired workers. Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. Yesterday, the President went to visit the workers who had retired. Unit2 Grammar The Past Participle as the object Complement 过去分词作宾补 some sentences in the reading passage. 1. …to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. 2. You find most of the population settled in the south… 3. To her surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen’s jewels guarded by social royal soldie


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