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同一时点酒精依赖患者复饮多因素探究具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 戒酒后同一时点调查酒精渴求程度严重、既往饮酒史长、日饮酒量多及伴抑郁情绪的酒精依赖患者复饮可能性大, 有待进一步探讨降低酒精渴求度及酒精复饮评估的方法以降低酒依赖患者的复饮率
【关键词】 酒精依赖;时点调查;酒精渴求;复饮
【Abstract】 Objective To understand related factors of re-drinking in alcohol dependence patients at the same time point, and to investigate measures for re-drinking decrease. Methods A total of 89 alcohol dependence patients within 3 months after abstinence treatment were divided by re-drinking condition into re-drinking group (50 cases) and non re-drinking group (39 cases). Home-made general situation scale, alcohol craving scale and self-rating depression scale were applied in patients for research. Their general condition and clinical data were compared. Results All the 89 patients were male, with 50 re-drinking cases. Their re-drinking rate was 56.2%. There was no statistically significant difference of marriage, occupation, family history, premorbid character, and educational level between the two groups (P0.05). The difference of admission times had statistical significance between the two groups (P0.05). Conclusion At the same time point after abstinence, alcohol dependence patients with severe alcohol craving degree, long alcohol intake history, high daily alcohol consumption and depression have high possibility of re-drinking. Further investigation of measures for reducing alcohol craving degree and evaluating re-drinking is necessary to decrease re-drinking rate in alcohol dependence patients.
【Key words】 Alcohol dependence; Time point investigation; Alcohol craving; Re-drinking
酒精相关问题是当今世界严重的社会问题和医学问题[1, 2]。研究显示渴求(craving)与物质和行为的奖赏效应相联系[3], 它被认为是成瘾的核心症状以及导致患者反复使用物质, 无法戒除成瘾物质的主要原因。作者随访观察了89例酒精依赖患者同一时点复饮的相关情况, 现报告如下
1 资料与方法
1. 1 一般资料 研究对象为2013年6月~2014年10月在贵州省第二人民医院住院戒断治疗出院的男性酒精依赖患者, 在出院满3个月的同一时点随访89例患者, 均为男性。依据是否复饮分为复饮组(50例)和非复饮组(39例)。两组患者在住院诊断时均符合《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准》第3版(CCMD-3)中酒精依赖的诊断标准[4];既往无其他物质依赖、药物滥用、无神经系统器质性疾病史。 1. 2 方法 对89例患者进行调查, 调查内容包括:①自制一般情况调