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磁性护理模式下患者低死亡率探究   摘要:本文通过磁性护理模式与非磁性护理模式进行对比研究,分析患者的死亡率和手术失败率等方面的影响因素,得出合理结论,实现护理事业的可持续发展。分析来自两所磁性护理模式医院和7所非磁性护理模式医院的相关患者、护士和医院数据。用逻辑回归模型来分析磁性和非磁性医院死亡率和手术失败率的差异,并用护理学知识分析患者治疗情况和医院差异程度。磁性护理模式下有较好的工作环境和高比例的护理学士学历。这些护理因素解释了大量磁性护理模式对患者治疗效果的影响。然而,在磁性护理模式下就诊的患者,相比于非磁性护理,低了12%,手术失败率低了11%,主要是护理管理因素、医院护理模式以及患者方面的差异。根据调查研究,磁性护理模式有较低的死亡率和手术失败率。磁性护理既能提高护理质量,又能进一步督促患者健康促进行为 关键词:磁性护理 医院 ??质护理 死亡率 手术失败率 中图分类号:R 473 文献标识码:A A study of low mortality in patients with magnetic care model SONG Yanli, ZHANG Yanyan, LI Ruo (Jilin Medical University, Jilin 132013, Jilin, China) Abstract: Nursing mode of magnetic and non-magnetic model for comparative studies, analysis of patient mortality failure rates and other factors, and come to a reasonable conclusion to realize sustainable development of nursing. From 2 magnetic nursing hospital and 7 non-magnetic-care model hospital patients, nurses, and hospital data. A logistic regression model was used to analyze the magnetic and non-magnetic differences in hospital mortality and failure rates, and nursing knowledge to analyze variations in patient treatment and hospital.Magnetic nursing mode has good working environment and a high proportion of Bachelor of science in nursingdegree. These factors explain a great deal of nursing magnetic effects of nursing on the patients with treatment. However, in magnetic treatment nursing mode of patients compared with non-magnetic nursing, 12% lower mortality rates, low failure rate of 11%, mainly nursing management, hospital care, as well as differences in patients.Based on the investigation, magnetic nursing models have lower mortality and failure rates.Magnetic treatments can improve the quality of care, and further urgepatients with health-promoting behaviours. Key word: Nursing; Magnet Hospital: Quality of Care 美国磁性医院,能成功吸引并留住护士,但是还不确定这种磁性护理模式是否适合我国国情,在治疗护理状况方面是否适合我国患者 1.研究方法 在2015年间我们分析了2家磁性护理医院和7家非磁性医院的成人数据。这9个医院的样本包含了2个含一般护理、急救护理的磁性医院和7个含一般护理、急救护理的非磁性医院。我们申请了对在编护士采取抽样研究的许可,



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