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The Past Perfect Tense 过去完成时 Section A 2d / Section B 1a–1e Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 2d---3a Listen to 2d and answer the questions: Why was Kevin late for class? How did Kevin get to school? [m?t] 马特(男名) [kevin] 凯文 (男名) 1. 上学迟到 发出响声 一直睡觉 一直做某事 醒来;弄醒 穿上 冲出门 幸运地是,… 捎我一程 至少 2. 找出两个过去完成时的句子 be late for class keep sleeping keep (on) doing sth. wake up A Very Lucky Man Today I will tell you about some unexpected events that happened to me. 略读3a,回答下面的问题: Which two events does the writer mention? The writer mentions the plane hit the World Trade Center世贸中心 on September 11,2001 in New York and the earthquake on February 21, 2011 in New Zealand. the World Trade Center世贸中心 the earthquake地震 in New Zealand新西兰 How did the writer end up missing both events? The writer was waiting in a line in a coffee shop when the plane hit the World Trade Center. He overslept and missed his plane, so he didn’t go to New Zealand. 听录音,划出3a中包含的三个过去完成时的句子 阅读与讲解. 世贸中心 两条街 大约=about be about to (do sth.) 打算;将要 Eg: The plane is about to take off. 飞机即将起飞。 即使;纵然= even if 当…时候=when wait in a line排队等候stand in a line 站队 cut in a line 插队 Eg: In the dinning hall, we should wait in a line. 在餐厅我们应该排队等候。 发生=happen stare at…盯着… in disbelief 不敢相信地 在…上面 正在燃烧的大楼 活着的(dead死的) 径直走向机场 起飞 错过;思念 满的;吃饱的 hear about/of…听说… 变成…. 从床上跳起来 not…..until/till…直到…才… Eg: I didn’t go to bed until/till 10:00 last night. 昨晚我直到十点才睡觉。 直到 1.发出响声 go off 2.冲出门 rush out 3.幸运地是, …luckily,… 4.捎我一程 give me a lift 5.打算;将要 be about to (do sth.) 6.排队等候 wait in a line 站队 stand in a line 插队 cut in a line 7.盯着… stare at… 8.不敢相信地;怀疑地 in disbelief 9.直到…才… not…..until/till… 10.听说… hear about/of… 再读3a, 完成3b Find words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words below. Then write a sentence with each word. lost: _____ _______________________ west: _____ _____________________ 3. below: ____ ___________________


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