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* Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B (2a-2e) Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland London 1.Do you know the full name of England? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2.According to the map, how many states make up of England? And what are they? Four, and they are Scotland, North Ireland, England, and Wales 3.Do you know the capital of England? London Something famous in Britain Big Ben London Tower Bridge Stonehenge Do you know the Stonehenge(巨石阵)? How much do you know about it? 巨石阵(Stonehenge) 巨石阵是在英格兰发现的青铜时代的一种圆形构筑物,周围有埂和沟。顾名思义,Stonehenge是一组表面粗糙的排成圆圈的巨大石柱群。它位于英格兰西南部,约建于公元前3000—公元前1500年。巨石阵周围环绕着直径约为100米的土墙圈。组成巨石阵周围圆圈的石头为砂岩,每块都高出地面4米,平均重约25吨。巨石圆圈直径为30米,里面还有数十块重达3·5吨的蓝砂岩组成的小圈。圈内有重达30多吨的巨石牌坊,有的石柱高达6,7米。当今人们还没有破解局势正建造的时间,目的及方法,只是通过考古发现的线索进行了各种可能的推测。也正因为如此,巨石阵被称为英伦三岛乃至世界最著名,最神秘的史前遗迹之一。在英国人的心里,这是一个神圣的地方,这些巨石虽然静静排列,但却具有无与伦比的魅力,它们给人们带来神奇力量,仿佛向现代人诉说着远古的故事。 What other mysteries can you think of? Can you list them? The Great Wall The Great Pyramids Skimming and underline the conjunctives in each paragraph Paragraph1:not only…but also, as Paragraph2:however,because,so Paragraph3: as, but, Paragraph4:because,and,but,or Scanning and answer the questions with your partner. 1.What is Stonehenge? And how many visitors visit it every year? 2.What have many historians believed for many years ? What does Paul Stoker think? 3.What is another popular idea about Stonehenge? 4.What happens on midsummer’s morning? And what do people believe and think? 5.How old is the Stonehenge according to most historians? 6.What is one of the greatest mysteries of the Stonehenge? 7.What happened in 2001? Para1 (段落1) 2 3 brief introduction to Stonehenge Ideas about what Stonehenge have been used for 4 Mysteries about how Stonehenge was built Ideas about what Stonehenge have been used for Read the text again and find out the main ideas of each paragraph. Now, listen to tape and read the article again , and then find out the answer to this question. W


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