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4-- , , , , , * ( , 45 3003) : 在内径 100 m 的毛细管内, 以甲基丙烯酸甘油酯( GM A ) 和双( 六- O- 丁烯二酸单酯)- - 环糊精为单体原位聚合 得了手性毛细管电色谱整体柱, 采用高效毛细管电泳法拆分了4- 羟基- 苯异丙胺对映体考察了背景电解质的p H 值运行电压柱温流动相的配比等因素对分离度的 影响在背景电解质 pH 为4. 2运行电压20 kV 柱温18 乙腈- 9 mm ol L - 1 磷酸盐缓冲溶液 ( 60+ 40) 为流动相在4 min 内成功地分离了4- 羟基- 苯异丙胺对映体, 其分离度达到1. 56 : 高效毛细管电泳法 4- 羟基- 苯异丙胺对映体 整体柱 手性分离 双( 六- O- 丁烯二酸 单酯)- -环糊精 : O 657. 8 : A : 1001- 4020 ( 2010) 09- 105 8- 02 Separation of Enantiomers of 4-Hydroxy-Amphetamine by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis * HU Lin-feng, ZHA G Yu-ping, WA G Xue-jing, JI G Rui-jun, CHE a, YA GSheng-kai ( H enan I nst it ute of S cience and Technology , H enan 45 3003, Ch ina) Abstract: In- situ po lym er ization of monom ers of g lycer ol m ethyl pr op eno iate ( GM P) and bis-( 6- O- monoester of butenedioic acid)-- cyclo dex tr in w as p erf o rm ed in a cap illary of bo re diam eter of 100 m to prep are the chiral cap illar y mo no lit hic co lumn, w hich w as u sed f or the H PCE sep arat ion o f enant iom ers of 4- hydro xy- amphetam ine. Optimum condit ion s f or the separ ation w er e f o und as f o llo w s : acidity of b ackg ro und elect rolyte: pH 4. 2 temper atur e of capillary co lumn: 18 sep arat ion voltage: 20 kV mobile ph ase: m ix ture of acetonitr ile and 9 mmol L - 1 PBS , m ixed in the ratio of 60 to 40 by v olum e. U nder the optim ized co ndition s, the enantiom ers of 4- hy dr ox y- amphetam ine w ere satisf acto rily sep arated w ithin 4 m in , h av ing va lu e of reso lution f actor 1. 56 . Ke



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