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2004 6 15 6 C INESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Jun. 2004, 15(6)B 1100~ 1104 * 1* * 2 王光华 Jos M. Raaijmakers 1 2 ( , 150040; Wageningen , Binnenhaven 8025) = . . ,. , . ,, . , p CN ., ,. 1001- 9332(2004) 06- 1100- 05 S336 A 1 Antibiotics production by bacterial agents and its role in biological control. WANG Guanghua , Jos M. Raaij2 2 1 makers ( Institute of Northeast Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin 2 150040, China; Laboratory of hytopathology , Department of lant Sciences, Wageningen University, Bin2 nenhaven 8025, The Netherlands) .2Chin. J . Appl . Ecol. ,2004, 15( 6) :1100~ 1104. Using bacteriato control plant diseases is one of the main strategies in plant protection, and its mechanism is commonly thought to bethe production of antibiotics by bacteria. The produced antibiotics not only have struc2 tural diversity,but also have broad2spectrum activity against many pathogens. Experimental results showed that onekind of antibiotics could be produced by several bacterial strains, and one bacterial strain could also produced more than onekind ofantibiotics.Recent development in molecular and bio2 analytical techniques greatly promot2 ed the research of bacterial bio2 control, and the colonization survey of introducing bacterial strain to the rhizo2 sphere and spermosphere of host plants. Besides bacterial genotypes,


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