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稀土氨氮废水处理技术研究进展 周颜宏 吕 平 窦艳铭 稀土氨氮废水处理技术研究进展 1 1 2 , , 周颜宏 吕 平 窦艳铭 (1. , 014010 ;2 . , 014010) 包头市环境科学研究院 包头 内蒙古科技大学能源与环境学院 包头 : , 摘要 本文旨在研究到目前为止前人对稀土氨氮废水处理技术的进展情况 尽管稀土氨氮废水的处理方法 , , ; 颇多 然而不是处理成本太高就是对水质的要求太苛刻 用于实践不太乐观 我们采用混合处理稀土氨氮废 , , : + , + ; , 水的方法将减少处理成本 增强处理效果 如 化学沉淀 吹脱 吹脱 吸附等 另外 处理稀土氨氮废水要注 , , 。 意回收氨氮副产品 以抵消处理成本 达到清洁生产的目的 : ; ; ; 关键词 稀土 氨氮 废水 处理 中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007 - 0370 (2012)02 - 0145 - 03 Advances in rare earth ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment technology Zhou Yanhong1 , Lv Ping1 , Dou Yanming2 (1. Baotou Municip al Research Academy of Environmental Sciences ,Inner Mongolia 014010 ; 2. Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology ,Energy and Environment Institue ,Bao Tou 014010) Abstract :We aim to research the advances in rare earth ammonia wastewater treatment technology so far as we can know. A lot of meth- odscould to be used in the treatment at present ,however ,neither the high costs or high quality requirements to the wastewater. it's not reason- able to use in the industrial production. We first use the mixed methods to deal with the rare earth ammonia wastewater ,it's able to reduce the cost of processing and increase the effect. The methods were :chemical precipitation + stripping ,stripping + adsorption and other ways. Futher- more ,it's necessary to recovery the


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