钢纤维高强混凝土框架边节点梁的曲率延性 - 世界地震工程.pdf

钢纤维高强混凝土框架边节点梁的曲率延性 - 世界地震工程.pdf

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钢纤维高强混凝土框架边节点梁的曲率延性 - 世界地震工程

第 25 卷, 第 4 期 V o l. 25, N o. 4 2009 年 12 月 W OR LD EA RTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING D ec. 2009 : 1007 - 6069 ( 2009) 04 - 0080 - 07 高丹盈, 赵柯岩, 王亮 ( , 450002) : 9 -, , , , : : TU 37 P315. 97 : A Curvature ductility of steel fiber rein forced h igh-strength concrete side-joints in fram es GAO D anying , ZHAO K eyan, WANG L iang ( S chool of C iv il E ngineering, Zhengzhou U n iv ersity, Z hengzhou 450002, Ch ina) Abs tract: T he seism ic exp er mi ents of 9 stee l fiber reinforced h igh- strength concrete fram e joints h ave been conduc- ted. T he influence of stee l f iber vo lum e rat io, the range o f stee l fiber added in the jo ints and ax ial compression ratio on the beam sectiona l curvature du ctility and hysteret ic curve o f the steel fiber reinforced high- strength concrete fram e jo ints are investigated through m easuring the load-deflect ion hystere tic curve on the beam end and the tran s- verse deform ation of the beam section s near column. It show s that the stee l fiber has better effects on mi prov ing the seism ic du ctility o f the beam section, the du ctility and the energy d issipat ion capac ity o f h igh-strength concrete fram e jo in ts, and a lso is an effic ient w ay to so lve the problem o f m ore st irrup s crow ded in the jo ints and to mi prove the work ing condition in constru ction. K ey w ord s: fram e joint steel fiber h igh-strength concrete beam section curvature du ctility m ean curvature ener- gy d issip ation capac ity , ,


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