bio-soft matters lab黎璧贤 - 国立中央大学物理系.ppt

bio-soft matters lab黎璧贤 - 国立中央大学物理系.ppt

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bio-soft matters lab黎璧贤 - 国立中央大学物理系

Overview of research in Biophysics Institute @NCU. 中央大學生物物理所 From DNA to collective behavior of organisms Why BioPhysics ? Material Nature of Bio-substances affect Biological properties. (Evolution made use of the physical properties of bio-materials) Physical principles Laws holds from microscopic level ? macroscopic level Traditional Biology is descriptive, non-quantitative Why BioPhysics ? Physics is universal. Rise of molecular biology: DNA, RNA, protein are universal in all living matters Universality in Central Dogma: DNA?RNA?protein?Biological functions… New, interesting, exciting useful. Lots of unsolved important problems. Techniques Methodology in physics can probe the fundamental principles in bio-systems of a wide spectrum of scales in a quantitative way. 國立中央大學 生物物理研究所 Officially established in 2004 教授: 6 副教授: 1 助理教授 3 合聘教授: 2 合聘助理教授: 1 現有從事生物物理領域在學研究生 碩士班:23 博士班:8 博士後: 3 以物理之技術或方法去探討生物系統中存在之基本原理,從而對生物過程提供深入及定量之了解。 「5年500億」頂尖中心經費建立生物物理共用核心設施 歡迎物理與非物理背景同學加入.中大及中研院提供獎學金 BioPhysics Institute @NCU Officially established in 2004 Professors: 6 Assoc. Prof.: 1 Assist. Prof. 3 Adj. Prof.: 2 Adj. f.: 1 Graduate students working on areas in biophysics M.S.:23 Ph. D.:8 Postdocs: 5 aims at achieving some quantitative description of biological processes and search for the fundamental principles buried in these highly complex biological phenomena 「5 years 500B」grant to support research building of core facility labs. Cross-disciplinary: researchers/students from physics non-physics background Wide Spectrum Length Scales: nm ? mm ? mm ? cm ? m ? km DNA,RNA,protein, intracellular, virus, bacteria, Intercellular, collective motion, insects, animanls/plants, migration Time Scales: fs ? ps ? ms ? ms ? s e transfer,H-bonding,water DNA,RNA,protein rearrangement , protein folding


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