细胞自动机(cellular automata ).ppt

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细胞自动机(cellular automata )

細胞自動機 (Cellular Automata ) 格狀自動機 細胞自動機的定義與組成 一種十分新穎的數學演算法。在網格資料結構上(將每一個網格視為一個細胞),利用其空間近鄰性,模擬其空間的自動演化過程。 這是一個抽象的圖案產生機制。給定初始值,即可按預先設定的規則,隨時間改變形狀。以人工生命的角度來看,細胞自動機可視為一個讓許多生命生存繁殖的世界(world),類似地球孕育各種生物一般。 細胞自動機的發展歷史 人稱電腦之父的馮諾曼(John von Neumann)在1940年代開始研究細胞自動機(cellular automaton)或譯格子自動機,於1950 年代便發明細胞自動機以求發展具有自我複製能力的計算工具,促成self-replicating automata 的發展。 因為它狀似一大片格子,原為離散的(discrete)時空模型,做為模擬任何系統之用,例如,模擬生物細胞活動、組織族群;模擬化學分子系統與結晶成長的動力學;模擬物理粒子互動;模擬電腦科學中的平行處理等。 1970 年,John Conway 依據Von Neumann 的想法進一步發展成電腦上的生命遊戲(Game of Life ),從此CA 的概念逐漸普及到相關領域。 Cellular Automata links /links/index.php A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell (birth). A live cell with two or three live neighbors stays alive (survival). In all other cases, a cell dies or remains dead (overcrowding or loneliness). Conway's Game of Life Online Game of Life The Game of Life is not your typical computer game. It is a 'cellular automaton', and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway. This game became widely known when it was mentioned in an article published by Scientific American in 1970. It consists of a collection of cells which, based on a few mathematical rules, can live, die or multiply. Depending on the initial conditions, the cells form various patterns throughout the course of the game. game of Life /complexity/life.html /students/wonders/life/life.html Modern Cellular Automata The Virtual cellular automaton - You better come on in my kitchen. It's going to be raining outdoors. -- Robert Johnson Langton's Ant Langton's ant Stephen Wolfram /publications/articles/ca/82-cellular/index.html Cellular Automata as Simple Self-Organizing Systems (1982) Cellular Automata + MIMD Parallel Computers = CAMEL and CARPET 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 二維 CA 活細胞 = 1 死細胞 = 0 Lattice: t = 0 t = 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?????? ?????? Langton’s Ants 1. The ant takes a


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