近红外光谱技术用于运动和运动想象时大脑皮质血 - 中国康复医学杂志.pdf

近红外光谱技术用于运动和运动想象时大脑皮质血 - 中国康复医学杂志.pdf

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近红外光谱技术用于运动和运动想象时大脑皮质血 - 中国康复医学杂志

ChineseJournalofRehabilitationMedicine, Aug. 2011, Vol.26,No.8 ·临床研究· 近红外光谱技术用于运动和运动想象时 大脑皮质血氧反应监测的研究* 顾丽燕 姚丽华 尤桂杰 赵娜娜 梁丹丹1 2 1 1 3 摘要 目的:使用近红外光谱技术监测运动和运动想象时大脑血氧反应的变化以探讨运动和运动想象运用于脑卒中偏瘫 患者康复治疗和评价的理论依据。 方法:选取64名健康大学生,随机分为两组:运动组32名,运动想象组32名。运用近红外光谱技术监测运动组受试 者安静时和运动时大脑皮质的血氧代谢相应变化情况,以及运动想象组受试者安静时和运动想象时大脑皮质的血 氧代谢相应变化情况,并将监测结果进行统计学比较和分析。 结果:①运动时,大脑氧合血红蛋白和总血红蛋白明显增加,而还原血红蛋白下降。②运动想象时,也呈现大脑氧合 血红蛋白和总血红蛋白增加,而还原血红蛋白下降。与安静时进行比较,差异均有显著性意义。 结论:运动想象与实际运动同样会提高大脑皮质血氧饱和度,改善相应区域大脑皮质血氧供应。 关键词 运动想象;近红外光谱技术;脑卒中 中图分类号:R743.3,R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2011)-08-0724-04 Study of near infrared spectroscopy in blood oxygenation of the cerebral cortex during movement and motor imagery/GU Liyan, YAO Lihua, YOU Guijie, et al.//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011, 26(8): 724—727 Abstract Objective: To monitor the changes of cerebral blood oxygen reactions during movement and motor imagery with near infrared spectroscopy, to explore the theoretical basis of movement and motor imagery used in rehabilitation ofpatientswithcerebral-vascular accident. Method: Sixty-four healthy college students were randomly divided into two groups: movement group and motor imagery group. Near infrared spectral technology was used to monitor the cerebral cortex cerebral blood oxygen metabolism during quiet and movement or motor imagery in both groups and the monitor results were compared andstatisticallyanalysed. Result: ①During movement oxy-Hb and total-Hb increased significantly, while deoxy-Hb decreased obviously. ② During motor imagery oxy-Hb and total-Hb increased, and deoxy-Hb decreased also. Compared to during quiet themonitor resultsduringmovement andmotorimagery were statisticallysignificantdifferent. Conclusion: Motor imagery and exercises can efficiently cause increasing of blood oxygen saturat


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