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Review 1、大国与小国的区别 2、一般均衡分析与局部均衡分析分别是通过什么方式来衡量贸易收益的。 3、引起贸易产生的原因是什么? 劳动生产率的差异 本章作业 用本章所学过的理论来解释现实生活中,中国与其他国家的贸易。(选择与中国产生贸易的一个或者两个国家来分析) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 In this example, there are two goods: cloth and wheat, and two countries: home and foreign. In order to compare the demand and supply of the two countries, we standardize the quantity of wheat demand/supply, I.e., we take the ratio of cloth to wheat. Thus, we show the quantity of cloth demanded or supplied per unit of wheat. Correspondingly, the price is the relative price of cloth per unit of wheat. Relative supply is assumed to be the same in the example. Home country has a higher relative demand for cloth than foreign country. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 In this example, the relative demand for cloth is assumed to be the same, but the relative supply differs. 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The labor productivity of producing wheat in Mexico is 0.25 bushel/hr, and of producing cloth in Mexico is 0.5 yard/hr. The opportunity cost of producing one yard of cloth is 0.5 bushel wheat in Mexico. The opportunity cost of producing one yard of cloth is 1.5 bushel wheat in the US. In this example, the US is more productive in all industries than Mexico. We can say that the US has an absolute advantage in production in all industries over Mexico. Using the numbers in the example on page 6, the budget constraints of these two countries are Mexico US 4W + 2C = 100 W + 1.5C = 100 A country’s Terms of Trade is defined as the ratio of its export price to its import price. 16 15 15 15 15 15 第3章 古典贸易模型 —比较优势理论 本章重点与难点 重点: 重商主义、绝对优势、比较优势 难点: 李嘉图的比较优势理论 重商主义贸易理论 重商主义的政策都是基于最简单的假设:一个国家的财富是由它所拥有的金、银等贵重金属所决定的 在这样的假设下,出口是有益的,而进口则是有害的 既然出口有利进口有害,根据重商主义而制定的国家政策必然是鼓励出口,限制进口 在重商主义的假设下,国际贸易是一种零和博弈(zero-sum game) 代表人物 重商主义思潮在西欧各国,是逐渐兴起和逐渐衰落的,一般说来,在15世纪下半期至18世纪上半期流行,盛行于16世纪下半期至18世纪上半期,但它在各个不同国家和地区兴盛衰落的情况是不一样的。 英国公认的重商主义代表人物有:约翰·黑尔斯(?-1571年),托马斯·米尔斯(1550-1627),吉拉德·德·马林斯(1



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