Aristotle 亚里士多德概要1.ppt

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Aristotle 亚里士多德概要1

Aristotle Outline His philosophy Nature of poetry—Imitation Theory of Tragedy His philosophy What is real? Aristotle’s materialism/empiricism in contrast to Plato’s idealism/rationalism The “forms” are the characteristics of the things; therefore they are “in the things.” In other words, the form and the thing are inseparable. The highest reality is what we perceive with our senses (cf. what we think with our reason). His philosophy Which comes first? Nothing exists in consciousness before it is experienced by the senses (cf. nothing exists in the natural world before existing in the world of ideas.) His philosophy Aristotle, too, believes in the innate power of reason (if not the innate ideas) to handle sensory impressions (such as organizing them into categories). (cf. Locke’s “blank tablet”) His philosophy Four causes 质料因:The “substance” is what a thing is made of. (stone with a potential) 形式因:The “form” is its characteristics (its “whatness”). (idea) 动力因: efficient cause (sculptor) 目的因:final cause (purpose) (Note: nature, God) Nature of Poetry Causes of poetry Human instinct to imitate: learning and pleasure Human instinct for “harmony” and rhythm Understanding mimesis Imitation is a basic human faculty: learning and pleasure Imitation involves a complex mediation of reality: the poet as “maker” Poetry and History —how should art correspond to life? Poetry is higher than History, as it follows the law of probability or necessity Particularity of history Universality of poetry The particular, factual The universal, general What has happened What may happen Improbable possibilities Probable impossibilities Aristotelian notion of artistic truth “It is not the function of the poet to relate what has happened, but what may happen—what is possible according to the law of probability or necessity.” “A likely impossibility is always preferable to an unconvincing possibility.” In other words, poets present things not as they are but as they shou


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