Audi A3方案0311概要1.pptx

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Audi A3方案0311概要1

A3 上市投放活动 Audi A3 Launch Event ;全新奥迪A3家族投放活动规划 All New A3 Launch Event Basics ;未来的趋势 Future Trends;未来的产品A3 Future Product A3 ;未来的用户 Future Customers;奥迪A3投放活动概念 Concept of A3 Launch Event ;; 投放活动搭建亮点 Highlight of production; 投放活动高科技亮点 Highlight of High-Tech; 投放活动新车亮相亮点 Highlight of new car appearance; 投放活动表演亮点 Highlight of Performance;震旦大厦楼体秀 Aurora Building laser show;A3集装箱外观 A3 Container;A3集装箱外观 A3 Container;A3集装箱外观 A3 Container;A3集装箱俯视 A3 Container;A3 集装箱平面图 A3 Container Layout ;A3 集装箱平面图 A3 Container Layout ;A3集装箱 俯视图 A3 Container Bird View ;来宾入口签到台 Reception;VIP酒会区 VIP mingle area;VIP酒会区 VIP mingle area;发布区 来宾入场 Launch Area – Guests entrance;活动流程及效果图 Event Rundown;发布会流程 Event Rundown;开场倒计时短片 Countdown Video;Video“Way ahead. Define the Future 定义未来” ;MC与未来机器人BEAM对话 MC dialogue with future robot “BEAM”;Video “Way ahead. Lead the Future 引领未来” ;“A立方”影像互动表演及新车亮相 A3 performance and new car reveal ;“A立方”影像互动表演及新车亮相 A3 performance and new car appearance;“A立方”影像互动表演及新车亮相 A3 performance and new car appearance;“A立方”影像互动表演及新车亮相 A3 performance and new car appearance;薄石致辞 Mr. Boesch Speech ;Way ahead. Create the Future 创造未来;Way ahead. Create the Future 创造未来;Way ahead. Create the Future 创造未来;Way ahead. Create the Future 创造未来 ;A3 Sportback与A3 Limousine用户差异性;Way ahead. Create the Future 创造未来;Touch the Future A3 Family Line Up 未来 先见 A3家族亮相 ;Touch the Future A3 Family Line Up 未来 先见 A3家族亮相 ;Way ahead. Touch the Future A3 Family Line Up 未来 先见 A3家族亮相 ;Way ahead. Touch the Future A3 Family Line Up 未来 先见 A3家族亮相 ;葛总讲话 Mr. Ge Speech ;明星表演 Star Performance;通向互动体验区的大幕缓缓开启,MC引导来宾转场 Guests transition;来宾转场,震旦大厦多媒体楼体秀 “未来之光” Aurora Laser Show – The light of future;来宾转场,震旦大厦多媒体楼体秀 “未来之光” Aurora Laser Show – The light of future;来宾转场,震旦大厦多媒体楼体秀 “未来之光” Aurora Laser Show – The light of future;来宾转场,震旦大厦多媒体楼体秀 “未来之光” Aurora Laser Show – The light of future;表演嘉宾 Performance ;MC主持人;A3未来宣言定位人群 角色推荐 A3 Future Announcement performers;舞蹈团体 Dancing Group;开放式互动体验区 A3 Experience Area ;开放式互动体验区(二层俯视)Bird


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