B4U1 leisure activities大英概要1.ppt

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B4U1 leisure activities大英概要1

Welcome to Stella’s Class How to contact me? hzstella@ email for class englishstella@163.com Code: English123 Teaching Plans Book 4 Unit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 Unit 9自学 Quiz one 3.27 Unit 1-4 Quiz two 5.24 Unit 5-8 期末考试内容 Book4 Unit1-10 最终成绩构成 :期末考试80%(笔试70%+口试10%) 平时20%:课堂表现5%,quiz10%, writing5% 口试:part one 背诵文本 part two 小组讨论 Sentence Making Exercise The result of the match relies on lots of ________. variables There was a _______ of dishes on the menu. variety The ________ of temperature today is 10 degrees. variation 请用 variation , variety或 variable填空。 clarification (n.) (Line 95, Para. 12) added information to make something easier to understand 澄清;阐明 请完成下面的句子。 Exercise They asked for ________________ of the statements of the company. 他们要求得到关于公司声明的进一步的解释。 further clarification That newspaper _________________ of the incorrect statements about the effect of that medicine on its front page. 那家报纸在其头版澄清了对于那种药效的错误的声明。 printed clarifications clarify (v.) make something easier to understand by explaining it more fully 澄清;阐明;使……明白 It is the policemen’s responsibility to clarify matters. 澄清真相是警察的责任。 Translation You are supposed to clarify your stand at the meeting. 你必须在会上阐明自己的立场。 Example 他第一次去那儿时怎么没有人发现呢? How come nobody found out the first time he went there? 没有自行车的广告,这是怎么回事 ? How come there are no commercials for bicycles? 如果那是事实,为什么那么多聪明人会有笨孩子呢? If that’s true, how come so many smart people have stupid children? 译 文 你为什么一字不改地抄别人的作业? “How come you completely copied somebody else’s homework?” (Line 66) universal (adj.) (Line1, Para1) 1) relating to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular group or society 普遍的, 全体的 Karaoke provides universal entertainment. 卡拉OK提供了大众化的娱乐。 Translation SARS and bird flu have once caused universal panic. 非典和禽流感曾经引起过普遍的恐慌。 2) true or suitable in every situation 通用的;万能的 a universa


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