Book 8 Unit 3单词讲解概要1.ppt

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Book 8 Unit 3单词讲解概要1

* * 8 Period 1 Words and expressions Read the key words and expressions 8. freezing 9. bear 10. associate 11. hang on 12. out of order 13. get through 14. ring back call up now and then distinguish set about convenient expectation seize call up当表示“打电话”时,call up=ring up=ring=call 1. call up 给……打电话 请体会以下句子中的call up含义 (1) She can still call up scenes of childhood. (2) I was called up three months after the war broke out. 召集……入伍 使回忆起 call back 回电话 call in 召来,叫来 call for 需要,要求; 前往接某人 call at 拜访某地 call on 拜访某人,号召 call off 取消 call out 大声说,召唤某人 请注意以下与call相关的短语 选用以上短语的适当形式填空。 1. They ________ their plan for a picnic because of the bad weather. 2. I hope to _______ you at your office at three o’clock today. 3. The photos _________ memories of my study in Beijing. called off call on called up at for off in 2. now and then 有时, 偶尔 牛刀小试 The girl goes to visit her English teacher _____________, who retired from school last year. 这个女孩时常去拜访他去年退休的老师。 now and then 意思相当于from time to time, at times, once in a while, sometimes, occasionally, (every) now and again from now on 从现在开始, 今后 just now 刚才 since then 从那时以来 相关短语 3. distinguish vt. vi.显示……的差别,使……有所不同,辨别 (1) Liu Xiang has already distinguished himself as an athlete. (2) You should learn to distinguish between right and wrong. (3) The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other. 归纳总结 distinguish oneself distinguish between … and = distinguish … from = tell the difference between … and … = tell … from … 使自己与众不同 区别,辨别 拓展 distinguished adj. 卓越的, 著名的, 杰出的 be distinguished as = be famous/known as distinguish day from night distinguished himself is distinguished as 4. set about 开始,着手 (1) You must _________ your work at once. (2) Gathering up the thread (线索) of his story, he ________ writing. (3) Jack ________ decorating their new house in blues and yellows. (4) The journalist immediately _______ to obtain these important facts.


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