合成气中枢 - 大连化学物理研究所.pdf

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合成气中枢 - 大连化学物理研究所

2011 40 7 PETROCHEM ICA L TECHNOLOGY 689 徐恒泳, 葛庆杰, 李文钊 ( , 116023) [] ()() () 3 , , ; ; , - - , CO 2 [] ; ; - - [] 1000- 8144 ( 2011) 07 - 0689- 11 [ ] TQ 032 [] A SyngasHub Xu Hengyong, G e Q ingjie, LiW enzhao (D alian Institute of Chem ical Physics, Ch inese Academ y of Sciences, Dalian NationalLaboratory of Energy, Dalian L iaon ing 116023, China) [Abstract] The consum ption history of fossil energy sources including coal( solid), petro leum ( liquid) and natural gas( gas) w as briefly rev iew ed. A lthough the seeking for non-fossil energy sources is becom ing urgent due to themore and m ore serious g lobalw arm ing, the fossil energy sources w ill still occupy m ore than 50% of the global energy consump tion before 2050. Therefore, the concept of syngas hub w as brought forw ard, and the follow ing aspects w ere em phasized in th is review: syngas production and its composition adjustm ent, the d ifference of syngas to chem icals from coal and natural gas, and syngas conversion and utilization. It w as thought that the syngas hub w ill become a br idge w h ich connects petro leum refining, petrochem ical industry, natural gas chem ical industry, coal chem ical industry and electric pow er industry, and is further beneficial to the low CO em ission and the 2 optmi al utilization of resources and energy sources. [K eywords] syngas hub; syngas to chem icals; po ly-generation of heat-electricity-chem icals 20 70, , ,



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