Flowers for you杨凤.ppt

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Attitude to Life Flowers for you Sammy Flowers should be presented to winners. Why should they be given to this disgraced loser? 鲜花,理应呈送给获胜者。为什么要献给这黯淡无关的失败者? The story mainly tells us about a ________(winner/ loser) who ________ at the International Gymnastics Championship. However, she still was given ________ by a __________. loser failed flowers stewardess When she won two world titles for the first time When she brought back one shining medal after another When she failed at the International Gymnastics Championships smiles, flowers and camera flashes. Few people greeted her and reporters seemed to shun her. But the stewardess gave her flowers. A warm welcome in the lobby(大厅) a lesson(经验;教训) from the story Nobody can avoid________. Failure is as important to us as __________. Failure belongs to ________, and _______ belongs to the future. failure success the past victory What should we do to face failure or hardship in our life? Keep optimistic(乐观的) smile Become stronger Stick to(坚持) dreams Never give up be confident (自信的) or believe in yourself … Group work Choose to do their smiling face of suffering Sang lan, the former national womens gymnastics team members, in February 1981 was born in Ningbo, practicing gymnastics at age 5, entered the national gymnastics team in 1993, 1998, accidental injury during the race. The end of 2006 as the public image of the Chinese National Sports Foundation Ambassador. July 2007, graduated from Peking University School of Journalism, and now the Chinese Olympic Committee official web journalist. 面对磨难 选择微笑 做好自己 十年前的7月22日,17岁的桑兰站在了第四届美国友好运动会的跳马赛场上。当时的她正在准备做赛前练习。这位来自浙江的女孩曾经多次获得过全国跳马冠军,对于她来说,这是一次再普通不过的赛前训练。谁能想到,这一次跳马的两边却是天堂到地狱的距离。从高高跃起到重重落地,桑兰再没能站起来。这次的意外“坠马”造成桑兰高位截瘫,正值花季的她就以这么残酷的方式告别了体操赛场。 “上帝为你关上了一扇门,一定会为你打开另一扇窗。”遭遇不幸后的桑兰并没有悲天悯人,而是在别的舞台续写着属于自己的奇迹。2002年,桑兰考上了北大。在未名湖畔,她找到了自己的人生目标。如今的桑兰已经是中国奥委会官网的特约记 面对磨难 选择微笑 做好自己 半杯水的人生哲学 不论什么时候看到桑兰,迎接你的绝对是她熟悉的笑容。“每天掉眼泪,不是伤害自己吗?自己不能振作,你永远不能振作。”桑兰意外受伤后


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