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List of topics 介绍达西定律(Darcy law) 介绍 FLOW-3D?拖曳力模型(drag model) 介绍饱和多孔介质模型 (the saturated porous media model) 介绍拖曳力系数与渗透率的关系 (drag coefficient and permeability) 如何处理流体在多孔介质中的各向异性(anisotropy)特征 介绍非饱和多孔介质模型 (the unsaturated porous media model) 达西定律(Darcy Law) Understanding FLOW-3D?’s Drag Model 由于流体在多孔介质中受到的很多阻力太小而无法求解,所以用一个均布的阻力系数来计算: K 表示拖曳力系数,也就是流体在多孔介质中的流动阻力。 Saturated porous media Useful for situations where there exists a well-defined saturation front with the porous material Model assumes that saturated regions are separated from “dry” regions by a thin saturation front Pressure difference across this saturation front is dictated by a user-defined capillary pressure (Pcap) 拖曳力与渗透率关系式 Often confusion arises between Darcy permeability (κ) and the drag coefficient (K). The relationship is: Thus, a material with ∞ drag represents 0 permeability “Drag coefficient” in FLOW-3D output is: This can vary between 0 (infinite drag) and 1 (zero drag) and is dimensionless 拖曳力系数(The drag coefficient) Setting up a problem with saturated porous media 激活 Porous media 多孔介质物理模型 创建 porous component (s) 多孔材料 每一个 component 可以由多个sub-components 或 STL 文件 来创建更复杂的形状 在每一个component需指定孔隙率(porosity),毛细管压力( capillary pressure)及拖曳系数( drag coefficients ) 每一个 component 可以设定不同属性 Modeling anisotropic materials with FLOW-3D? 渗透率(Permeability)是具有各向异性的,也就意味着流体的渗透率在每个流动方向都不同。 在 FLOW-3D?软件中,用户可以指定各方向的孔隙率(porosity),其可控制各方向的面积比例值(the area fraction- Af ) 若设定一个方向的数值比其它两个方向小,那么在该方向流动时开口面积会变小 总的孔隙率设定为三个方向中最大值 Setting anisotropic materials example Suppose we have a sheet-like material where: Then the porosity in the x, y directions should be set to 0.6 (the true porosity) The porosity in the z-direction is set to 0.45 (0.6×1.5/2) The drag coefficient is set according to the higher permeability (3000 s-1 in this case) Sample: multilayer porous material Drop is absorbed into three layer porous material Saturated model used Unsaturated porous media model With this option, model simulates sa


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