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You should not skip classes. You should not be late for classes. You should not sleep during the class. You should not chat with classmates during the class. You should not snack during the class. You should not use mobile phone during the class. You should not leave early. * * * * A new life is coming. What is the life like in University Sleeping Playing phones Cheating in the exam ? 未来是实在的 考好是意外的? ? 重修是常在的? ? 作弊是被迫的? ? 开卷是不错的 论文是瞎掰的? ? 发疯是常有的? ? 自杀是勇敢的? ? 期末是艰苦的? ? 平时是放荡的? ? 成绩是心寒的 大门是雄伟的? ? 进去是后悔的? 上课是不听的? ? 下课是消失的? 恋爱是随地的? ? 分手是随时的? ? 生活是贫贱的? ? 学习是无奈的? ? 睡觉是最爽的 吃饭是呕吐的? ? 理想是奇怪的? Result How to succeed in college? Three Methods: Studying Socializing Health, Safety and Finances Method 1 of 3: Studying Take a moment to reflect on what you enjoy doing and studying, and what youre genuinely interested in. What are your goals? What are your plans? College is another step on the ladder to the rest of your life. What do you want to do after college, and how will college prepare you for that next step? 1 Get passionate about something. Most colleges require a broad range of classes in the beginning, often referred to as general education or distribution requirements. Even if youve already declared your major and know what you want to study, the distribution requirements build critical skills such as written and oral communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Keep your mind open and look for ways to apply these skills within your major. 2 Work on your general education. Learn to use observations and evidence to form your own opinions. Attend special events and seminars on campus. Join clubs for students in your major program. Read a *reliable* news site every day. You are your own person, and you owe it to yourself to form your own opinions about things. 3 Learn to separate gossip from genuine information. Everyone studies in a different way. Having a television or music in the background is a bad idea. Some peop


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