Frog Story(青蛙的故事).pptx

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Frog Story paragraph7-paragraph11; As I looked at him, dead on, his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone. dead on = dead-on 1. adj. 完全正确的;十分精确的(等于right-on) 2.扑向;向…瞄准;向…射击 dead one 已改过自新的罪犯; “ Understand what?, my mind jumped in. jump in 1.插话 2. (踊跃或热切地)加入 Eg:The ducklings quickly jump in, too.; That was weird. Weird [w??d] 1.adj.离奇的;古怪的;怪异的 2.n.命运;预言者 3.v.使恼怒,使厌烦 Eg:That was really a weird movie.; At that rate I knew that the maple trees that I love to tap each spring for syrup would not survive for my children. Maple [me?pl] 1.N.枫树;槭树 2.Adj.槭木的;槭木制的 Tap [t?p] 1.n.龙头;塞子;窃听 2.v.轻拍;轻击 syrup [s?r?p] n.糖浆;甜蜜的情感; My beautiful Wisconsin would become a prairie by the next generation.   prairie [pre?ri] n.大草原 我的故乡美丽的威斯康星州也会在下一代变成一片草原。; He then reached up his hand to his left ear and cupped it there. reach up 向上取物 ;抬起 Eg:Reach up and get me that dictionary from the top shelf, please. reach back 回忆;向后伸手 reach down 伸手从高处取下……; He then began to turn a very subtle, but brilliant shade of green and leaped full force onto the computer. Subtle [s?tl] subtlenessn n.微妙 adj. 微妙的;敏锐的;不明显的;精细的;狡猾的 ; delicate fine subtle 这3个形容词均含“微妙的,细微的”之意。 delicate:侧重指需要谨慎处理和对待。 fine:隐含“不易察觉的”意味。 subtle:侧重有洞察、领悟事物细微差别以及微妙关系的能力。 ; Brilliant adj.辉煌的,光辉的; 明亮的; 杰出的,才华横溢的 n.宝石 Eg:The brilliant sun lit up their rooms.;Thank you!


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