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1. What products are the most popular in the world ? 2. Who are the top designers? perfume (香水) jewellery (珠宝,首饰) 2 Read the first sentence of the passage. At what time of the year was this written B Look and think Winter is behind us. It was written after the winter but before the summer. 3 Lood at the beginning of the fifth paragraph. Is this passage written for children or adults? B Look and think If you are taking your children with you… For adults. Look at the heading, the headline and the photos. What do you think this article will be about? Who is possibly interested in the article? a There are many French influences around the world: food, wine, artistic cultural events. b Paris, the capital, is a beautiful city. c EuroDisney is near the centre of Paris. d You can easily travel to Britain from France via the Channel Tunnel. e Why not visit France this summer? f The centre of France is an agricultural region and has many wonderful things to see. Skim the article. Match the paragraphs with their main ideas. ( ) P1 ( ) P2 ( ) P3 ( ) P4 ( ) P5 ( ) P6-7 e b c d f a Work in pairs. Imagine one of you is a travel agent from JENNY’S TRAVEL AGENCY, you need to introduce France to your customers so that they can decide to visit France. The other is the customer who are going to France. where would you like to go? Why? What would you like to do there? Group work: * * * * * * * * * * * * France is calling 8BU6 Travel Try this quiz. a b c Which one of these is the French flag? What else do you know about France? France is a romantic country. Which landmarks(风景区) do you know in France? the Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower is located on the in Paris. The tallest building in Paris,. It was named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel,). 凯旋门 the Arc de Triomphe A triumphal arch,in theory built to celebrate a victory in war,but often used to celebrate a ruler. The Louvre Museum [ lu:v? ]卢浮宫 the


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