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Aleksandr Dolbilov CTO, JoyCraft Games Aleksandr Dolbilov - 10+ years in game industry - Android, iOS, PS2, PS3, PSP, XBox, XBox 360... - Performance problems from real-world games - Live profile, bottleneck detection and optimization - Unity profiler and platform-specific tools in action - Solutions and tips which help to improve performance of your games - Grab your projects today and perform live performance analysis tomorrow!! - Few notes about performance in games - CPU optimization - Static scene - Vertex constants arrays - Vertex constants instancing - Math optimization - GPU performance optimization - Vertex shaders optimization - Fragment shaders optimization - Frame time depends on CPU time and GPU time - Both units work in parallel if you don’t touch GPU data from CPU - Detect if game is CPU or GPU bound - Gfx.WaitForPresent in Unity Profiler is good indicator - Platform-specific tools provide units utilization info - Use Unity Profiler for further analysis - Use Profiler.BeginSample and Profiler.EndSample to get detailed information on device - Deep profile option is very helpful to find hidden pitfalls (implicit type casts, redundant constructors etc.) - Time.realtimeSinceStartup can help you to monitor performance for release builds - Use platform-specific tools - Adreno Profiler (Qualcomm, Adreno ) - PerfHUD ES (nVidia, Tegra ) - PVRTune, PVRTrace (Imagination tec., PowerVR ) - Mali Graphics Debugger (ARM, Mali ) - Show/hide method - Always measure optimization results - Use milliseconds (not FPS!!) - If it’s possible, create simple test for faster iterations - Check if everything work properly ? - Check Camera.Render time in Unity Profiler - Or create custom MonoBehaviour - OnPreCull is timestamp begin - OnPostRender is timestamp end - OnGUI for render result GameObject count: 1440 Material count: 3


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