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* Level 5 Leadership First Who… Then What Confront the Brutal Facts Hedgehog Concept Culture of Discipline Technology Accelerators Disciplined People Disciplined Thought Disciplined Action Buildup Breakthrough Good to Great Level 5 Leadership First Who… Then What Confront the Brutal Facts Hedgehog Concept Culture of Discipline Technology Accelerators Disciplined People Disciplined Thought Disciplined Action Buildup Breakthrough Level 5 Leadership Good to Great Level 5 Leadership 5–Level 5 Executive 4–Effective Leader 3–Competent Manager 2–Contributing Team Member 1–Highly Capable Individual Level 5 Leadership Leaders who employ a paradoxical mix of personal humility and professional will Set up successors for even greater success Compelling modesty, self-effacing, understated 5–Level 5 Executive 4–Effective Leader 3–Competent Manager 2–Contributing Team Member 1–Highly Capable Individual Fanatically driven to produce sustainable results More plow horse than show horse Level 5 Leadership 5–Level 5 Executive 4–Effective Leader 3–Competent Manager 2–Contributing Team Member 1–Highly Capable Individual Look in mirror and take full responsibility for poor decisions Many people have the potential to evolve into Level 5 Attribute success to other than themselves Level 5 Leadership First Who… Then What Confront the Brutal Facts Hedgehog Concept Culture of Discipline Technology Accelerators Disciplined People Disciplined Thought Disciplined Action Buildup Breakthrough First Who… Then What Good to Great First Who . . . Then What Leaders began the transformation by first getting the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus). “Who” questions came before “what” decisions - before vision, strategy, organization structure, and tactics. First Who . . . Then What Three practical disciplines for being rigorous: When in doubt, don’t hire When you know you need to make a people decision, act Put your best people on your best opportunities, not biggest problems Leaders


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