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英文中每个月的名称有何来历?     As the new year starts you might have recently bought a new diary or calendar and thought ‘Where do these words come from?’ – at least that’s what I did. There is also, of course, also the chance that you have been merrily scheduling in gym appointments and book clubs and all sorts of other details relating to New Year’s resolutions (have you kept yours so far?) but we’ll take the opportunity to add a resolution to your list: learn where we got the names for all the months of the year. Spoilers: it’s a mixture of gods, rulers, and numbers.  随着新的一年的开始,可能你最近又买了一本新的日记本或日历本,也许你会想:“日历上这些关于月份的词是从何而来的呢?”——至少我有这样的疑问。当然,也有可能你早已兴致勃勃地安排好了你的新年计划:去健身房锻炼,加入读书俱乐部以及其它各类活动(这些活动你现在还有坚持下去吗?)但借此机会,我们要给你的新年计划再加上一项:了解一年十二个月名称的来历。剧透一下:它们与神、统治者和数字都有关系。  January 一月     January is named after the Roman god Janus, who presided over doors and beginnings – appropriately enough, for the beginning of the year (though this is, as you will discover, not as straightforward as it seems). Indeed, Janus was usually depicted with two faces looking backwards and forwards, as is often characteristic of a new year; this also gave rise to the term Janus word for words that have two opposite meanings.  January是以罗马神话中双面神杰纳斯(Janus)的名字命名的。他负责司守门户以及万物的始末——作为一年的开始,他很适合(尽管你会发现,其实并没有那么直观)。事实上,杰纳斯通常以双面孔示人,一面回顾过去,一面注视未来,而这经常被视为新的一年的特征;这也使得它的引申词组“Janus word”(双面词)表示兼有两种相反含义的词。  February 二月     February is ultimately based on Latin februarius, from februa. In case that’s not helped things become clearer, februa was the name of a purification feast held on the 15th of this month. February is a divisive issue in modern pronunciation, with both Feb-yoo-ary and Feb-roo-ary being commonly heard.  February由拉丁语“februa”的衍生词“februarius”演变而来。可能这样说并没有解释得很清楚,这里再补充一下:“februa”是这个月十五号举行的一场涤罪盛宴的名称。在现代英语中,人们对“February”的发音产生了分歧,最常听到的有两种,一种是“Feb-yoo-ary”,还有一种是“Feb-roo-ary”。  March 三月     Which god gets a planet and a month named after him? You’ve guessed it: Mars. Why him? As the Oxford English Dictionary notes, ‘In anc


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