虚拟语气(习题)FOR STUDENT.docx

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虚拟语气(习题练习)任务一:什么是虚拟语气,虚拟语气的基本表达形式。虚拟语气用来表示所说的话语真是相反或实现的可能性极小,或表示愿望、请求、及建议等。对比: 真实条件句,和虚拟条件句动词时态的区别:If you attend the class, you are likely to be grounded in English.(真实条件句)If he calls me later, please just tell him I am not here. (真实条件句)What would you do with it, if you bought an island?(非真实条件句)If I were you, I would deal with this problem differently. (非真实条件句)任务二:虚拟在条件句中的用法规律和技巧。1.if条件句中虚拟语气的一般规律1)现在的假设条件从句主句主语+would (should, could, might) +V原形If there were no water and air, nothing could live.2)过去的假设条件从句主句主语+would(should,could,might )+have + V-edIf he had come yesterday, I would (should) have told him about it.3)将来的假设条件句主句主语+would(should,could,might)+V原形If you succeeded, everything would be all right.If I were to do the test, I would do it in a different way.If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.2. 思考:什么是断错综虚拟语气,判断依据是什么。If he had listened to me, he would not be in such a big trouble now.(从句表示____,主句表示_____)If I were you, I wouldn’t have taken that job.(从句表示_____,主句表示____)3. 思考:1.什么是含蓄的虚拟语气(即不出现if的条件从句)2.常用于含蓄虚拟语气的词汇有哪些(____________________________________)3.时态如何变化(_________________)Given the chance, I’d come and see you in New York.But that she was afraid, she would have said no.完成以下练习解决任务二:What should we do if it _____ tomorrow? 易A. should snow???????????? B. would snow???????? C. snow????????D. will snow You _____ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice. 易A. may not make??????????????????????????????????????????????B. might not make C. shouldn’t have made??????????????????????????????D. might not have madeI was very busy yesterday, otherwise I _____ to the meeting. 易A. came B. would come C. had comeD. would have comeJohn was very busy last week, otherwise, he _____ to attend the meeting.易A. would have come B. would come C. should come D. cameBut for the snow, we _____ earlier. 易A. will arriveB. should have arrived C. arriveD. arrivedI didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she _____, she would have met my bro


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