虚拟语气 part2.ppt

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虚拟语气 part2

Learning goals 1. Know the different forms of the subjunctive mood 2. Master the structures of the different forms of the subjunctive mood 3. Do some exercises about the grammar 注意以下问题: 1. 错综时间虚拟条件句 2. (if省略) 倒装虚拟条件句 3. 含蓄条件句 2. 这些动词相对应的名词性从句也用should do It is ordered / commanded / suggested / advised / requested / required / demanded … that … (should) do The / One’s insistence / order / command / suggestion / advice / proposal / recommendation / request / requirement / demand / desire is / was that … (should) do a / the suggestion / request (等) that … (should) do … I wish I _____ (be) as tall as Yao Ming. I wish it ______ ( will ) rain tomorrow. If so, I can stay at home to have a good sleep. He wishes he ___________________ ( become ) a scientist some day. 五. 可用可不用虚拟语气的情况 1. insist, suggest 2. as if/though 3. if 1. The teacher suggested that we ______________ (practise) more after class. 2. Her pale face suggests that she _____ (be) ill today. 3. He insisted that all of us ___________ (get) there on time by any means. 4. He insisted that he _____________ (not steal) the diamond, and that he should be set free. 他坚持说他没偷钻石,应该立刻被释放。 as if / as though When?a?pencil?is?partly?in?a?glass of? water, it?looks?as?if?it were broken. 如果表示非真实情况则应该 用虚拟语气 The dark clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain. 如果表示真实情况应该用真实 (直陈)语气 6.在表达惊异、惋惜、遗憾、理应如此等意义的固定句式中常使用虚拟语气 It’s necessary / strange / natural (自然的, 理应如此的) / important … + that sb (should) do 1). It is important that we ________________ ( master ) a foreign language. 2). 真奇怪,她竟然拒绝来参加party。 It’s _______ that she _______________ to come to the party. 3). 鸟在树上安歇 / 休息是很自然的。 It is ______ that a bird _______________ in trees. ( should ) master strange (should) refuse natural (should) rest insist / suggest 各有两种意思,用不同的语气 insist : “坚决/持要求”用虚拟语气,即 should do; insist : “坚持认为, 坚持说”用陈述语气 suggest : “建议”用虚拟语气,即should do; suggest : “表明、暗示”用陈述语气 (should) practise is (should) get hadn’t stolen a. if真实


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