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五个句型五 It’s (about/high) time +that -- 过去时(偶尔会用should+动原) 你该走了。 我们该出去玩了。 It’s high time that you went. It’s high time that you should go. It’s time that we went out to play. 表示坚持,要求,命令,建议的虚拟语气。 宾语从句。常见动词: 一个坚持,两个命令,三个建议,四个要求。即 1.insist 2. order, command 3. advise, suggest, propose,(recommend) 4. demand , require, request, desire 这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气用法。即从句中的动词 使用should + 动词原形,或者将should省略。 以上动词相应的名词构成的名词性从句包括主语从句,表语从句和同位语也要使用虚拟语气。从句中的动词形式一样(should)+v.。 insistence, order, command suggestion, advice, proposal,recommendation demand,request,requirement, desire, decision It’s suggested that the plan be carried out. My demand is that she should come to see me once a week. All of us are for the advice that the chemical factory should be closed down. He insisted that he _____ really very tired and that he ___ to have a rest. A. was, be allowed B. was, must be allowed C. should be, must be allowed D. should be, should be allowed It’s necessary /strange/ natural/ important + that---clause 从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形 It is important that we should master a foreign language. It is strange that she refuse to come to the party. It’s necessary that we should study hard. 情态动词的虚拟语气 (对过去事情的一种推测或委婉的责备与批评) should have done could have done would have done might have done need’t have done 你本不应该把小孩一个人留在家里的。 You shouldn’t have left the child alone at home. 某些表祝愿的固定句型: Heaven help him! God bless you! May you succeed! Long live the People’s Republic of China! 解题关键: 1、牢记规则(表格) 2、理解句意,寻找标志词 --- 条件句 (if,without,or,otherwise… 关键:确定动作发生的时间 --- 特定词语(insist,demand,wish,if only,would rather,…) 3、对号入座 4、情态动词的选择(高考热点) 1. He suggested that the meeting ?????????put off. A. not be???? B. should not?? C. wouldn’t??????? D. be not 2. It is strange that he ?????????so. ?? A. thinks?? B. think????????? C. thought??????? D. will


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