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Activity 7: Viewing for fun Activity 8: Video watching Babies of the Future ABC NEWS In the year 2031, parents may be able to predetermine their babys intelligence. Words and expressions override 奔越过 Mother Nature 自然的力量 hand-pick 精选 tinker with 胡乱地修补 specify 指定 hazel eyes 淡褐色眼睛 invitro fertilization体外受精 geneticist 遗传学者 posed the question hypocrite 伪君子 genome 基因组,染色体组 codebook 电报密码本 pore over 注视, 凝视 susceptible to 易得病的 embryo 胚胎, 胎儿 defective 有缺陷的 ethical 与论理有关的 The benefits outweigh the risks. the haves 富人,富国 have-nots 穷人,穷国 Watch the video and complete the sentences with words or expressions you hear. 1. What may seem far-fetched now could be the norm for parents ____ down the road. 2. Through invitro fertilization, parents can actually choose to have a ___ . 3. Some scientists think parents will be able to select for genes that help with intelligence, memory, even ____ like playing the piano. 4. The question is whether or not people want to use the ____ for that purpose. 5. Once you start choosing the babies’ appearance, sex, you take the ____ out of the unexpected. 6. The parents’ answer changed when they were asked if it would be ok to alter their baby’s genetics to avoid a ____. 7. In theory, science could provide genes to make babies super- ____ to diseases. 8. Experimenting on mice, scientists are trying to ____ which genes do what. 9. Many people think this technology will not be used until we are very convinced that the benefits ____ the risks. 10. Many people worry there is going to be a ____ between the haves and have-nots. 1.?What may seem far-fetched now could be the norm for parents 25 years down the road. 2.?Through invitro fertilization, parents can actually choose to have a girl or a boy. 3.?Some scientists think parents will be able to select for genes that help with intelligence, memory, even talents like playing the piano. 4.?The question is whether or not people want to use the


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