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* * * 南方湿地松人工林生长状况研究 On the growth of slash pine plantation in subtropical China 刘琪璟 Liu Qi-Jing 809918554@ 北京林业大学林学院 Department of Forest Sciences Beijing Forestry University 报告提纲 Outline 1 研究背景及意义 Background 2 研究方法 Methods 3 主要结果 Results 4 讨论 Discussion 湿地松 [松科] [松属] Pinaceae 拉丁名:Pinus elliottii 原产于美国东南部暖热潮湿的低海拔地区(600m以下)。中国山东平邑以南直至海南岛的陵水县、东自台湾、西至成都的广大地区内多处试栽。 The natural distribution area is in the east U. S., under 600m asl with humid climate. By introduction, the species has been widely planted in subtropical China. 1. 1 湿地松特性 Features of slash pine 适应性强、抗旱耐瘠薄土壤,造林成活率高,前期生长迅速,早期的固碳效益较为明显;含脂量高、质量好,从而能带来明显的经济利益。 The species has a strong adaptability, and can grow under dry and infertility conditions. The survival rate of afforestation is very high, and the growth in early period is fast, that shows a high efficiency in carbon sequestration. The resin is high in both productivity and quality, which benefits the local economy. 在我国南方人工林结构中比例迅速增长 The proportion of this species among artificial forest in China is growing rapidly. 1997 1983 Slash pine plays an important role in recovering the local environment, especially for treating the barren area which was the results of irational exploitation. 湿地松在红壤丘陵区生态恢复中发挥了重要作用 The role of slash pine in ecological restoration in red earth area Slash pine plantation with an age of 20 years 湿地松林 1.2 湿地松的引种历史/ Introduction history in China 1930——小规模引种. Small-scale introduction 1945——联合国的种子. Seeds provided by the United States, as an assistant program for war-affected countries. 1970--1995 ——大规模引种、栽培、研究. Large-scale introduction conducted. Currently is still being introduced. 1995-2009—— 湿地松生态风险,二代问题 Ecological risk in china, including the regeneration. 1988: 880,000ha; 1995: 1.907 million ha. Current: over 2 million ha. 广东台山种子园 Taishan botanical garden in Guangdong Province. 湖南、江苏、江西、广东. Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Guangdong Nonresistance to ice-storm, insects and diseases, invasive species 1.3 科学问题 Quest


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