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13 3 2001 6 , ( 南通市环境监测中心站, 江苏 南通 226006) : , , , , : ; ; ; : O 657132 : B : 1006- 2009( 2001) 03- 003 1- 03 Determination of Yellow Phosphorus in Water and Wastewater MA Jun, LI Li ( N antong M un icip al Env ironmental M on itori ng Center , N antong , Ji ang su 226006, Chi na ) Abstract: T he abso ption spect um of yellow phospho us within ult aviolet a ea was tested. the method to dete mine y ellow phospho us in w ate and w astew ate using ult av iolet spect ophotomet y analysis, w hich need no acidation and ox idation, and can colo imet ic dete mination di ectly. When t he e had distu bance substance as pet o leum mate ials in samples, distu bance substance can be emov ed in the ant-i ex t action p ocess in w hich acid wate solution which contained oxidant was taken as ex t act ion liquid. T his method w as sensitive, had a wide dete mination limit and high dete mination accu acy and easy- use. Key words: Y ellow phospho us; U lt aviolet spect ophotomet y analysis; Wate ; Wastewate , , - 100 mL , , , ; 400 Lg, 4 e ; , , : , 100 mL , , , 20 Lg, 4 e ; : 1 100 mL , , ( P ) 4 5 4 20 Lg, 4 e , 3 , , , 3 , 311 萃取剂的选择 , , 2


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