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图 1 1.Train ratio condition尽可能近似地实现给定的传动比 As因 So故 2.Concentric condition尽可能近似地实现给定的传动比 In order to run the epicyclical gear normally, the three fundamental members’ s rotating axes must be in the same line, and this is the concentric condition. For the gear train illustrated in the grammar, the formula: 要行星轮系能正常运转,其三个基本构件的回转轴线必须在同一直线上,此即同心条件。为此,对图示的轮系来说,下式: Solution: 解 (1)First, The gear 3 is found to be a planet gear. The link H is its planet carrier. The gears 2 and 4 engage with the planet gear 3 and have the same fixed axis as that of the planet carrier H. Therefore the gears 2 and 4 are the corresponding sun gears. The planet gear 3, the planet carrier H, and the sun gears 2 and 4 make up an e1ementary epicyclical gear train. The remaining gears 1 and 2 make up a gear train with fixed axes. 首先将该轮系划分成由齿轮1、2组成的定轴轮系部分;和由齿轮2’、3、4及行星架H所组成的周转轮系部分。 (2) Deriving the train ratios of sub trains independently分别计算它们的传动比。 The train ratio equations of the two sub trains are: 其中定轴轮系部分的传动比为 in the gear train, the gear 4 is fixed gear , so we could work out: 在周转轮系部分中,由于轮4为固定轮,故由式(11-4.b)可得 so multiplying the two equations gives the train ratio of the combined gear train: 因而整个复合轮系的传动比为 Example 2 图 2 电动卷扬机减速器传动比的计算 A reducer of windlass is shown in Fig 2. the number of teeth of all the gears are given. Find the train ratio例2 (图2)所示为一电动卷扬机的减速器运动简图,设已定各轮齿数,试求其轮1到轮5的传动比 Solution: 解 The given combined gear train can be divided into two sub trains Gears 2 and 2 which are planet gears. The gears 1, 2 (2), 3 and S make up an elementary epicyclical gear train (differential gear train) in which the gear 5 serves as the; planet carrier only. we have: 首先将该轮系中的周转轮系分出来,它由双联行星轮2—2’,行星架5(它同时又是鼓轮和内齿轮)及两个太阳轮1、3组成(图b),这是一个差动轮系,由式(11—4,a)得 or: 或者 The gears 3, 4 and 5 constitute an ordinary gear train, we can derive the train ratio equation as: 然后将定轴轮系部分分出来,它由齿轮3、4、5组成(图C),故得 multiplying the above equations: 联解(a)、(b)两式得 11.6 Applications of Gear Trains 轮系的功用 Key points:Applications of Gear