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摘要 在當前成形技術,管件液壓成形技術漸漸崛起,在汽車產業中已 廣泛使用此技術來加強車身強度與減輕結構重量 。管件液壓製程包 括:彎管、預成形與液壓成形,而本論文係針對汽車後懸吊 系統之扭 力樑管件液壓製程,使用不同之預成形設計 進行成形性分析與缺陷之 探討。 本論文首先利用 一實際載具 採用預成形與否進行分析,並探討後 續產生之問題,包括製程的順利程度與實際開發之可行性。接著以該 載具 於液壓成形階段 設計不同負載曲線, 以進行較佳化 分析,提供可 行之負載曲線類型並建議較佳之一階與二階負載路徑。 為了節省後續加工,在模具上可以設計沖孔機構使管材在成形後 可以接續模內沖孔道次。 本論文針對實際載具液壓模內沖孔 進行探 討,首先 以不同沖頭進行板件沖孔以觀察各沖頭之留料情況,經模擬 分析與實際沖孔驗證後 ,提供合適沖頭套入模內沖孔製程進行模擬, 並依模擬結果給予模內沖孔 並留住廢料之設計條件。 本論文最後研究後懸吊 系統扭力樑之預成形設計 ,探討其成形之 可行性 ,以及對後續液壓成形之影響 。由 於該扭力樑具有雙軸向之彎 曲曲率 ,造型較為複雜,經模擬分析結果建議以多道次進行該扭力樑 之實際開發。本研究成果可提供扭力樑管件液壓成形製程之設計參 考。 關鍵字:管件液壓成形、後懸吊系統扭力樑 、預成形、液壓模內沖孔、 負載路徑。 A Study of Preforming Design in the Tube-Hydroforming Process Abastact Nowadays, Tube hydroforming (THF) technique has been popularly applied to the car body structural components. The advantages of employing THF process over the conventional stamping and welding process have been lightweight and high strength for the car body structure. There are three operations in a complete THF process, which are tube bending, preforming, and hydro-forming. In the present study, the preforming die design and the loading path adopted in the hydroforming operation for manufacturing a twist beam used in a real axle were examined. In addition, the punch shape for hydro-piercing a scrap-attached hole was also investigated. Both the finite element simulations and the experimental approaches were employed to complete the analysis and die design. Since the twist beam bears a relatively small curvature in one plane, it is difficult to bend the tube by a bending machine and needs to produce the bend in a preforming die. Also due to the deep V-shaped cavity alo


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