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( Chin J Drug Depend) 200 , 17( 2): 125- 129 # 125# [] 基于正负心理特征培养和消除的药物成瘾治疗* 1* * 1 2 2 曾 红 武晓艳 杨细桂 陈 杨 1 (, , 510632) 2 (, , 520000) 目的: 方法: , 60 ; 60, SCL- 90 结果: 3 3, , ( t= 5170, P 01 01; t= 0134, P 0105, t= 21 29, P 0105), , ; , / 0/ 0( t= 11 97, P 01 05, t= 21 90, P 0105) , 结论: , ; ; PSYCHOTHERAPY ON EL IM I NAT I NG NEGAT I VE M ENTAL CHARA CTER I ST I CS AND CULT I VAT I NG POSI T I VE ONE S FOR DRUG ADD I C S 1 1 2 2 ZENG Hong , WU X iaoyan , YANG X igu i, CHEN Yang 1 (D ep artm ent of M edicalP sychology, M ed ical Schoo ,l J inan Un iv ersity, Guang hou, 510632 ) 2 (The Second W ork Camp of Shen hen, Shen hen, 520000 ) AB STRACT O bj ectiv e: To explore the effect of psychotherapy for and cultivation of positivemental characteristics of drug addicts. M ethod s: Sixty heroin add icts underw ent three - month psychological interventions for psychological d isorders and correction of negative psychological feature and three - month train ing of positive psychological characteristics. Another 60 heroin addicts w ere under routine treatment as contro.l Sefl - rating A nx iety Scale ( SAS), Sefl - Rating D ep ression Scale ( SDS), SCL - 90, Sefl - Eff icacy S cale, Sefl - esteem Scale ( SES) and Cop ing S ty le Scale were used to assess the effect of therapy before and after intervention. R esults: A fter the psychotherapy and training, the scores of SAS, SDS, SCL - 90 of t


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