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;How Is The Mode of Thinking Formed?;Mode of thinking 思维模式;Mode of thinking 思维模式;W-C Difference in Mode of thinking 中西思维模式差异;Plato (428 -347 B.C.) 柏拉图;Eight Trigrams 八卦图;Analytical, abstract, logical 分析性、抽象性、逻辑性 ; Referring to Western mode of thinking, Qian Xuesen (1986) said: “Abstractive thinking seems to be linear or branch-like. “抽象思维似乎是线型或枝型的。” — 钱学森;Dr. Kaplan: Editor-in-Chief of the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 卡普兰 : 《应用语言学评论年刊》主编; Major Differences 主要差异 ; Holistic 整体; Intuitive 直觉; Imaginal 形象; Ethical 伦理; Fuzzy 模糊; Intentional 意向; Convergent 求同; Past-focused 后馈; Inward 内向; Inductive 归纳;;; Holistic 整体;Nisbett’s Test;What have you seen in the picture below?;What have you seen in the picture ?; Holistic 整体; Holistic 整体; Western Encyclopedia arranged by classification Animals, plants, objects are divided, sub-divided … 西方的百科全书层层切分,种类归属分明。 ; Chinese Leishu A collection of political, social and ethical data arranged circularly in an emperor-centered fashion. 中国古代类书是以皇帝为中心的环式体例。; Western Articles Clear division in the organization of articles title, sub-title, chapters, sections, paragraphs topic sentences 西方文章,标题、章、节、段细分明切,段中一般都有主题句,脉路清晰,一目了然。 ; Chinese Articles; An English expository paragraph usually begins with a topic statement, and then, a series of sub-divisions of that topic, each supported by examples and illustrations, to develop that central idea and relate that idea to other ideas in the whole essay, and to employ that idea to prove something, or perhaps, to argue something.;Topic;Robert B. Kaplan; “噼里啪啦……”窗外,小雨不断如珍珠洒落下来,可是,我却沐浴着永不停息的书雨。 《书,伴随我成长》 ;The Eight-part Essay The eight-part essay is a kind of stereotyped writing, focusing on the form but lacking in content. The eight parts


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