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你了解中外节日吗 Do you know about Chinese and western festivals?;;the Spring Festival 春节 the Lantern Festival 元 宵节(灯节) the Qing Ming Festival /Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节 the Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节;New Year 中西方都有这个节日,有什么异同呢?; The Spring Festivals origin and background. ; Defferent countries have different customs to celebrate New Year.;Western New Year;;Valentine’s Day February 14th ; ;;每年的4月1日是西方人最开心的日子 (April Fools Day)。在这一天,人人都可以发挥自己的想象(imagination)和亲属(relative)、朋友(friend)、同事(workmate)开玩笑而且不必承担任何后果,被捉弄的人就叫fool。但玩笑应该是善意健康的,决不能让受捉弄的人感到不舒服(uncomfortable),不能损害任何人的财产(treasure),不能嘲笑(laugh at)或拿他人的长相或信仰开玩笑,而且玩笑只能持续到正午,任何人试图在正午以后愚弄人,他自己就是一个fool。;每年的4月1日是西方人最开心的日子 (April Fool‘s Day)。在这一天,人人都可以发挥自己的想象(imagination)和亲属(relative)、朋友(friend)、同事(workmate)开玩笑而且不必承担任何后果,被捉弄的人就叫fool。但玩笑应该是善意健康的,决不能让受捉弄的人感到不舒服(uncomfortable),不能损害任何人的财产(treasure),不能嘲笑(laugh at)或拿他人的长相或信仰开玩笑,而且玩笑只能持续到正午,任何人试图在正午以后愚弄人,他自己就是一个fool。;The second Sunday of May;Halloween was called Samhain by the Irish. It came to be known as Halloween sometime around the fifth century A.D. . Samhain took place on October 31 through to November 1. During this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living. To celibrate the festival, the Irish would dress up in bizarre costumes and parade through their villages, causing destruction and saying Trick-or-Treat, in order to scare off any recently departed souls who might be prowling for bodies to inhabit. This yearly festival was later brought to the other regions of the world, including continental Europe and North America. Irish immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the Jack Lantern. ;According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was k


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