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Second : The wedding time In western : Don’t care about time, decide according to be fond of their own time In China :Very valued the wedding time . Generally please tell fortune a Sir To help to set the time . People think that must be an auspicious time First : Clothes Second : The wedding time Third :The location of the wedding Third : The location of the wedding In western :Usually in the church In China : The past is usually at home for the wedding . Now have a plenty of in home have held in the hotel some fashionable young people held in the church ?The view of marriage ? The status of the two sides in marriage ?The wedding ceremony ?The video of Kazak’s wedding Outline The nation of Page ? * Difference In Marriage Culture Between China﹠Western Countries ?The view of marriage ? The status of the two sides in marriage ?The wedding ceremony ?The video of Kazak’s wedding Outline The comparison of the view of marriage For Chinese: Chinese traditional marriage is more like a commerical activity, they combine just for family. The comparison of the view of marriage For Chinese: At the same time, children are one of the most important elements in the marriage. However, in todays society, the young believe that love is of great significance. For Chinese:: The comparison of the view of marriage The comparison of the view of marriage For Western people: In their eyes, a marriage without love is immoral and of low quality.The reason why they combine is that the peolple who fall in love with each other hope to have a perfect and happy ending. ?The view of marriage ? The status of the two sides in marriage ?The wedding ceremony ?The video of Kazak’s wedding Outline 男主外,女主内 男主内,女主外 男女平等 Which one do you agree? In China,the husband often plays a leading role in the marriage,he undertakes the main econimic responsibility. While the wifes tasks are managing housework, taking care of their p


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