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ANIMAL WORDS;In the long course of human history, animals keep a close relationship with our human being and have a deep effect on human living and growth. ;3;Different opinion about dog;In china;In Western;In western countries, many families keep dogs and regard them as friends and kinsfolk (亲属), not only “pet”. Dogs will be introduced to visitors like other formal family members equally, they get medical care when they are sick or injured. But in Chinas history, the dogs status is humble (低下的), their social effect is ignored. So, “dog” refers to different meanings in different areas.;Westerners believe that a dog is man’s faithful friend, both in the western novels and movies. At a critical moment, it helps or delivers his master. Thus, the dog in English vocabulary words are always positive.;1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子; 5. Barking dogs seldom bite. 会叫的狗不咬人 (意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真) 6. go to the dogs 每况愈下 7. dog days 大热天,三伏天 8.Be old dog at sth. 对…有经验,对…内行;Proverbs about dogs ;HATCHI;C A T;IN CHINA;猫和狗自古就与人相伴,尤其是猫,在中国无论是城市还是乡村,许多人家都养猫。一是因为猫可以捉耗子,省却了主人徒手捉老鼠的麻烦;二是因为猫长得线条流畅(Aaffluent ),好看,有时还温柔可人(Tender ),活泼,跟主人嬉戏,一副娇小姐的模样。我们常戏称一个嘴馋的人为“小馋猫”(Small greedy cat),还有人将自己的爱人昵称“小猫咪,我们将模特走在台上的步子称作“猫步”(catwalk)。这些名称都给人一种小巧玲珑,纯真可爱的样子 ;About color; good love ;love;IN WESTERN; Westerners also like cat to be pets. But the black cats make western people fears, especially English, they will contact the witch(女巫) black cats on the up.;Example about cat;Proverbs about cat;Care killed the cat(忧虑伤身);Cool Turtle !; IN CHINA;IN CHINA;IN WESTERN;building;cartoon;Chinese dragon; Chinese culture of the legendary(传奇的) dragon has huge wings and claws, from the mouth of the fire monster, is the patron saint of treasures and women‘s chastity(贞洁), is commonly used to as the representative(代表) of Kings in ancient China.;Dragon have ni



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