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①…is in / on / to…of… ②…be located / situated in ③…lie in… ④…neighbor / border… 5 on its east lies 东边有…… 中国在俄国的南边 China is located to the south of Russia. 梅州坐落在广东的东北部 Meizhou lies in the northeast of Guangdong. ① …has / covers an area of ... 占地…面积 ② …takes up + ... 占地…面积 ③ …is … long and … wide… 多长多宽 小镇占地5平方英里。 The small town covers an area of 5 square miles. 新疆占我国国土的六分之一。 Xingjiang takes up about one-sixth of our territory. 这花园长三十米, 宽二十米。 The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide. ① …has a large/small population… 人口众多/稀少 ②… has a population of … …有…人口 ③ The population of … is … …有……人口 ④…percent of the population are ... 百分之…的人口是… 这个城市人口超过一百万。 This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个县的农村人口为40万。 The rural population of the county is 400,000. 百分之八十的人口是农民。 Eighty percent of the population here are farmers. ①…has a history of… ②…has a long history. ③ with a history of… 中国上下五千年 China has a history of more than 5,000 years. 中国历史悠久,占地960万平方公里 With a long history, China covers an area of 9.6 million kilometres. ① be rich /abundant in….某地含有丰富的…,盛产… ② … be wealthy in… 某地富于… ③ …produces sth…. 某地出产… ④ …be famous/well-known for… 某地因…而闻名。 ⑤ The main agricultural products are... 主要农产品是… ⑥…be made up of/consist of由……组成 ⑦. … a fantastic place 一个极好的地方 新疆有丰富的自然资源,以葡萄而闻名。 Xingjiang is rich in natural resources and is famous for grapes. 该县主要农产品是小麦、玉米 The main agricultural products in this county are wheat and corn The Great Wall, which is more than 6, 000 kilometers long, is the longest wall in the world. It has a history of more than 2, 000 years. It is made of stones and bricks and almost all the construction was done by hand without any machine. As the wall was built to defend the country against foreign invaders, there were watchtowers every few hundred meters along the wall. Now, the Great wall is one of the most famous places


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