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PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS’ BOOK 7;UNIT 1;;;;;;;;;;Let’s play;Let’s play;Let’s play;Let’s play;Let’s play;Let’s play;Let’ read;How do you go to the park?;We can go by bike! Go straight from here. Then turn right. It’s next to the hospital. Come on! Let’s go!;Here it is, the north gate of the park,;The north gate ? I want to go to the pet shop at the south gate . There is a big ice-skate area.;It’s not far from here. We can go to the pet shop first. Then , we’re going to ice-skate together!;Yeah!;Read and tick or cross.;Read and tick or cross.;;;;;;Read and Choose;Read and Choose; 地点介词:near, next to, at, on, in, of ;地点介词;区别: What are you going to do? What are you going to buy?;时间介词:at, on, in, for;日常口语;语音:系统讲解;一般疑问句;区别词类;其他知识点; 一、把你听到单词的序号填在提前括号内。 ( ?) 1. A.hot??? B. horse????C. hospital??????D. house (? ) 2. A.light??? ?B.library??? C. left??????????D. leg ( ?) 3. A.cinema??? B. sister??? C. six???????????D. sit (? ) 4. A.last??????B. best????? C.east?????????? D. west ( ?) 5. A.what???? B. where?????C. which?????????D. why (? ) 6. A.north???B. mouth?????C. south??????D. house (? ) 7. A.bank??????B. buy????????C. bee????????? D. busy (? ) 8. A.shoe??????B. show???????C. short????? D. shop (? ) 9. A.store?????B. stop?????? C. start???????? D. sport ( ?) 10. A. party?? B. part?????? C. stop????????? D. pen; 二、听音,选出正确的答语。 ( ?) 1. A. You can take the No. 15 bus. ??????? B. You can see the No. 50 bus. (? ) 2. A. Its near the post office. ????????B. Its the post office. ( ?) 3. A. Yes, there is.???????? B. No, there isnt. (? ) 4. A. Youre right.????????? B. Youre welcome. (? ) 5. A. I want to buy a pair of shoes. ??????? B. I get on the No. 28 bus. (? ) 6. A. How do you do?????B. Fine, thank you.; 三、听对话排序,把序号写在题前括号内。 (? ) Where is the library, please? (? ) Thank you. (? ) Its next to the cinema. (? ) Is it far from here? ( ?) Youre welcome. (? ) No, walk straight for five minutes. The library is on the right.;单词翻


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