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Montage It originates from a French architectural term, which has been borrowed by the film –making field and refers to the choosing, cutting and combing of separate photographic material so as to make a condense and connected narrative. An editing technique emphasizes the discontinuity between one shot and another. Sequential montage 顺序蒙太奇: Paralleling montage 平行蒙太奇: Intersectant montage 交叉蒙太奇: Cutting and editing of a continuing event or process of a scene Paralleling of two or more plot lines, which helps to save time and enrich the story Two closely related narrative line at the same time while in different places, get closer and closer until they finally converge. Narrative montage: Contrasting montage 对比蒙太奇: Psychological montage 心理蒙太奇: Metaphoric montage 隐喻蒙太奇: Focusing on contrast and conflict between different shots in color, light , nature, etc. Reflecting people’s mental reaction or inner thought in the form of dreams, memory, envision, etc. Two shots eliciting association Expressive montage Shots One of the two basic factors The style of a film is based primarily on two factors. the cinematic shot the editing process Film language Shot A single run of the camera or the piece of film resulting from such a run. 摄影机从开机不间断地拍摄到关机的那段影片叫一个镜头。 Camera-subject distance: long shot, full shot, medium shot, close shot, close-up Long shot The entire object or human figure to be placed in some relation to its surroundings To show the entire background, and create certain atmosphere Full shot A shot of the person from head to toe To show the whole body movement Medium shot A shot of the person from the knees up To show body language Close shot A shot of the person from the chest up To show facial expressions and movement Close-up特写 A shot of faces or hands To show details, such as characters’ emotions, or some intricate activities by their hands Eye-l


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