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3 Vol. 30 No. 3 20023 ACTA ELECTR NICA SINICA March 2002 李东风, 龚中麟 ( , 100871) : ,, ; , , . ,, , ., , 75~ 94dB, . : ; ; : TN82 : A : ( 2002) Research on Thinning the Hexagonal Planar Antenna Array LI Dongfeng,G NG Zhonglin ( Dep t . of Electronics, Peking Univers ity , Beji ing 100871, China) Abstract: The concept of optimizing the field pattern of a given equally spaced array by thinning process represents a very challenging problem with considerable practical advantages. In this paper, a properly modified genetic algorithm (GA) is applied at the first time to design a low sidelobe hexagonal planar array by thinning process.A study of the frequency characteristics of the thinned hexagonal planar array is made,and a new method,which has less computational work and is especially useful for large antenna ar rays,is proposed for performance improvement of antenna arrays by thinning partially the array.The results show that the performance of the hexagonal planar array could be greatly improved by thinning, the maximum relative sidelobe level was reduced by 75~ 94dB, and thinning partially the array could attain the same performance as that of fully thinning. Key words: genetic algorithms; antenna arrays; thinned arrays 1 [4, 5,7, 9] . , ,, , ., , , . ( ) ,


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