人教版英语必修三unit 4 language points概要1.ppt

人教版英语必修三unit 4 language points概要1.ppt

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人教版英语必修三unit 4 language points概要1

* * Useful phrases student association step back kiss sb on the cheek in defence reach out dash through on the contrary be likely to do in general 学生会 后退 防卫地;戒备地 飞快地穿过 相反 很可能…;有希望… 大体上,一般来说,通常 亲某人的脸颊 hit/pat sb on the back/head/ shoulder/cheek in the face = hit/pat sb’s back/head/cheek/ shoulder take / catch sb by the hand/arm抓住某人的手 伸出手… * 9. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式不尽相同, 身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。 They do not shake hands with women, ___________________kiss women publicly. Not/no…nor… 既不……也不…… nor do they * 即把be动词、助动词或情态动词 放在主语前。 2) nor / neither 否定副词, 常置于句首, 此时句子要倒装, I don’t like her, nor/neither does Lily. I am not a nurse, nor/ neither is Lily. * 类似的用法还有:not, never, neither, hardly, seldom等。 He didnt say a single word at the party last night. ___________________________at the party last night. Never______________________________. Not a single word did he say has he been to Columbia He has never been to Columbia. * Wise teachers know it’s impossible for all the students to learn all the subjects well because ______ of them are not fit for them. A.every one B.all C.none D.not all all, both, each, every, everybody, everything, everyone 与not 连用表示部分否定: 并非…… Not all of them are fit for them. 1. Not?all?birds?can? fly. =All?birds?can?not? fly =Some?birds?can’t fly ? ? * 1.Not?all?men?can?swim. =All?men?can?not?swim.? ? 2.Not?all?Chinese?people?like?beef. =All?Chinese?people?don’t?like?beef.? ?3.I?don’t?kown?all?of?them, =I?only?know?some?of?them,not?all.? 2. It doesn’t always mean that we are truly happy, however. P30 部分否定,并非总是… always ,entirely, altogether, completely 和quite 与not 连用表达部分否定 “不完全……”,“并非完全……” “并非总是(并非一直)……” 1.The businessman is never to be entirely trusted. 2.He felt not altogether satisfied. 3.I dont agree completely. 4What he did was not quite proper. 5. He is not always so sad * 完全否定词: neither,


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