人教版英语必修四 unit2 单词课件1概要1.ppt

人教版英语必修四 unit2 单词课件1概要1.ppt

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人教版英语必修四 unit2 单词课件1概要1

课前预习 chemical 化学的,关于化学的 orgainic 有机的,器官的,组织的 fertile 肥沃的,富饶的 fertilizer 肥料,化肥 production 生产,制造 bacteria 细菌 pest 害虫,害鸟 build up 逐渐增强,建立,开发 lead to 导致,造成(后果) nutrition 营养,滋养,食物 mineral 矿物,矿石 discovery 发现,发觉 focus 焦点,中心点; 集中,聚焦 focus on 集中(注意力,精力等)于 soil 土壤 reduce 减少,减缩 keep...free from/of 使免受(影响,伤害等);使不含(有害物) soybean 大豆 root 根,根源 skim 浏览,略读 underline 画底线标出,强调 summary 总结,摘要,概要 comment 评论,议论 producer 生产者,制片人 industrial 工业的,产业的 新知学习 1. chemical adj. 化学的,关于化学的 n. 化学物质,化学品 chemistry 化学 chemist 化学家 chemical element 化学元素 2. production n. 生产制造 produce v. 生产,制造; n.农产品 producer 生产商,制造商 product n. 产品 in production 在生产中,投产 out of production 停止生产 3.build up 加大,增强,增多 Their words built up my confidence after the interview. 建立,开发 By working hard, he has built up a good reputation. 增强的体质, 使更加强壮 You need more protein to build yourself up. 4. lead to 导致,造成(后果) Eating too much sugar leads to rotten teeth. 通向,通往 All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马。 5. focus on 集中(注意力,精力等)于 focus ones attention/ energies/mind on sth 把某人的注意力/精力/心思 集中到 the focus of attention 关注的焦点 You must try to focus your mind on study. The discussion focus on three main problems. 6.keep ...free from/ of 使免受(影响,伤害等) ,使不含(有害物) Keep the children free of harm. We must make some measures to keep students free from too much homework. 7. comment n. 评论,议论 make comments on/upon sth 评论某事 without comments 不必多说 no comment 无可奉告 v. 作出评论, 表达意见 comment on 对作出评论 comment that 评论说 Can you comment on the conclusion? 短文改错 Every morning, Steve goes to work by trains. As he has a long way to go through, he always buy a newspaper that helps make the time pass much quickly. One Thurday morning, he turned to the page of sports. He wanted read the report on an important football match. The report was such interesting that he forgot to get on. He realized that when he l


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