人教版英语八下第9单元 Section A (3a4c)概要1.ppt

人教版英语八下第9单元 Section A (3a4c)概要1.ppt

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人教版英语八下第9单元 Section A (3a4c)概要1

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Section A (3a-4c) Ⅰ. 单词连连看 1. unbelievable a. quick 2. rapid b. acting 3. unusual c. very good 4. perfect d. very difficult to believe 5. performance e. not usual Ⅱ. 句型展示 1. 令人难以置信的是, 科学技术已取得了如此迅速的发展。 It’s _______ that technology _______ _______ in _______ _______ _______ way. 2. 我最近去过印度一家非常特别的博物馆——国际厕所博物馆。 I’ve recently _______ _______ a very _______ museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets. 答案: 1. unbelievable; has progressed; such a rapid 2. been to; unusual  3. 它还鼓励政府和社会团体想办法改善未来的厕所。 It also _______governments and social groups _______ _______ about ways to improve toilets in the future. 4. 我终于认识到我祖父为什么喜欢饮茶以及收藏茶具了。 I’ve _______ _______ why my grandpa loves drinking tea and _______ tea sets. 5. 迪斯尼乐园是一个有着特殊主题的游乐园。 Disneyland is an amusement park _______ a special _______. 答案: 3. encourages; to think 4. finally realized; collecting 5. with; theme 1. It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way. 令人难以置信的是, 科学技术已取得了如此迅速的发展。 【自主领悟】(1)句中progress意为“进步; 进展”, 用作不及物动词, 相当于make progress (progress是不可数名词)。 (2)常用短语progress in sth. = make progress in sth. 意为“在某方面取得进步”。 例如: Mary has progressed in Chinese. =Mary has made progress in Chinese. 玛丽汉语有进步。 【活学活用】 ①这项工作进展迅速。 The work is     rapidly. ②最近我英语进步很大。 I have                in English recently. 答案: ①progressing ②made great progress 2. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. 它还鼓励政府和社会团体想办法改善未来的厕所。 【自主领悟】句中encourage意为“鼓励”, 是及物动词, 常用短语: encourage sb. (to do sth. )鼓励某人(做某事)。例如: My mother often encourages me to wash my own clothes. 妈妈经常鼓励我洗自己的衣服。 【活学活用】 ①The teachers always encourage him     hard. A. study B. studies C. to study D. studying ②他的话鼓舞了我。 His words           . 答案: encouraged me 3. There are some spec


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