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Burm number 辩论赛Debate 正方论点: We should study during the summer vacation. 反方论点: We should play during the summer vacation. * take a walk go out practice the guitar do/wash the dishes brush teeth eat breakfast take a shower You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 adjective 形容词篇 1 2 terrible noisy hot warm windy snowy strict dirty You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 用完整句子回答问题 1 2 What are they doing? They are singing. What is he doing? He is playing basketball. --What is he doing? --He is making soup. make making --What is he doing? --He is reading a newspaper . read reading --What is she doing? --She is watching TV and talking on the telephone. talk talking watch watching He went boating. What did he do? They went fishing. What did they do? What is he doing? He is brushing his teeth. --What is he doing? --He is washing the dishes. wash washing --What is he doing? --He is cleaning the room. clean cleaning --What is she doing? --She is exercising. exercise exercising What did he do? He played badminton. He went to the cinema. What did he do? You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 人物篇 1 2 Quick Response. 比比谁的反应快! 抢答篇 Don’t fight. 看图说句子 Don’t listen to music in class. Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t eat in the classroom. What is she/he doing? What are they doing? 看图回答问题 小组合作,一人一句 口头作文 1 2 3 Talk about your last weekend. Talk about Tom’s daily routine. Tom usually gets up at seven o’clock. Tom exercises at… always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ never 口语大比拼 比赛流程 一、热身篇 game time (part1 / part 2 ) 二、你来描述,我来猜 1.名词篇 2.动词短语篇 3.形容词篇 4.用完整句子回答问题 5.人物篇 三、抢答篇 1.看图说短语 2.看图说句子 3.看图回答问题 八、口头作文 Tongue twisters. 1. good blood [bl?d], bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood. 2. Quick kiss. Quicker kiss. Quickest kiss. 3. A big black bug[b?g](小虫) bit[b?t](叮咬) a big black bear. 4. A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. 一只老虎将领带系紧,清洁牠的尾巴 How many cookies could a good cook cook



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