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Drug Evaluation Research 第 35 卷 第 1 期 2012 年 2 月 - 31 - 活体肿瘤成像技术的研究进展 邰 文,袁永兵,郑礼胜,陈常青* 天津药物研究院,天津 300193 摘 要:成像技术在肿瘤生物学研究和临床诊断治疗中是不可或缺的工具之一,活体动物成像实验平台的主要优点是无创伤、 低成本、实时检测,而分子探针与活体荧光成像技术相结合对肿瘤的早期诊断具有重要意义。肿瘤的近红外荧光(NIRF ) 成像技术依赖于稳定、高特异性和敏感性的分子探针。综述活体肿瘤成像技术的研究进展以及该项技术与新的分子探针、显 像剂、报告分子的协同作用,为进一步应用于临床肿瘤诊断和治疗打下基础。 关键词:活体肿瘤成像;近红外荧光(NIRF );分子探针;肿瘤诊断;荧光成像 中图分类号:R730.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674 - 6376 (2012) 01 - 0031 - 05 Advances in studies on in vivo imaging of cancer TAI Wen, YUAN Yong-bing, ZHENG Li-sheng, CHEN Chang-qing Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, Tianjin 300193, China Abstract: Imaging technology is one of the indispensable tools in oncobiological research and clinical diagnosis and therapy. The imaging experimental platform of in vivo animals has several advantages such as non-invasion, low cost, and real-time detection, and the combination of molecular probe and in vivo fluorescence imaging technique plays an important role in the early diagnosis of tumor. Near-infrared fluorescence (NIFR) imaging of tumor depends on the molecular probes with stability, high-specificity, and sensitivity. In the present paper, the research advance of in vivo tumor imaging and its synergism with novel molecular probes, imaging reagents, and reporters are summarized so as to lay a foundation on applicating it in clinical diagnosis and therapy of tumor. Key words: in vivo tumor imaging; near-infrared fluorescence (NIFR); molecular probe; tumor diagnosis; fluorescence imaging 近年来,成像技术已经成为肿瘤研究和临床治 些方法的最大问题在于特异性和敏感性不足,同时 疗不可或缺的工具之一,不同成像技术的数量飞速 价格昂贵[4] 。可见光成像技术具有肿瘤检测高分辨 增长,并应用于不同领域[1] 。宏观成像系统主要提 率,其信号能提供生物学组织的分子信息并显示重 供解剖学和生理学信息,如今已经广泛应用于临床 要生理参数的变化。在光学成像中,荧光成像可同 及临床前研究,如计算机断层扫描技术(CT )、核 时使用几种分子探针,具有高分辨率,用于肿瘤早 磁共振(MRI )等;而分子成像系统既可应用于临 期诊断[4] 。该技术常用发射波长在650~900 nm 的


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